Being a woman leader is quite a controversial issue these days. Do women lead? Should women lead? How ‘high up’ are women allowed to go in church leadership? Although the church agreed to ordain women priests in 1994, in November of 2013, the Church of England voted against allowing women becoming bishops. In 2011 the Church’s General Assembly voted in favour of allowing men and lesbians to serve as church ministers in the Church of Scotland. In January 2013, Steve Chalk, a well respected Christian leader, stated openly in an article in Christianity magazine that he now supports monogamous same-sex relationships in churches.
Leadership in the 21st century is challenging but no more challenging than in was in any other era.
Times may have changed and culture may be different in many countries but leadership lessons for all ages, genders and countries can be found in the Bible. Join us as we explore what the Bible has to say about Women in Ministry. Read some pearls of wisdom from women who have been ministering for many years. Join me in discovering how we can be Godly women in ministry as God intended right from the beginning of time. Our aim is not to update the Bible or to adjust our beliefs to suit our times. This study is designed to dig into the Word of God says and to remain true to all He intended when he designed us to be the highly capable, beautiful women that we are.
Leading is exciting. Being a woman is fun. Join us as we dig for the truth, juggle our roles and find the balance to all we are and all we do.
Times may have changed and culture may be different in many countries but leadership lessons for all ages, genders and countries can be found in the Bible. Join us as we explore what the Bible has to say about Women in Ministry. Read some pearls of wisdom from women who have been ministering for many years. Join me in discovering how we can be Godly women in ministry as God intended right from the beginning of time. Our aim is not to update the Bible or to adjust our beliefs to suit our times. This study is designed to dig into the Word of God says and to remain true to all He intended when he designed us to be the highly capable, beautiful women that we are.
Leading is exciting. Being a woman is fun. Join us as we dig for the truth, juggle our roles and find the balance to all we are and all we do.
Find out more about the book - Being a Woman in Ministry or if you are a women in a senior leadership position and would like to meet up, find out more about our monthly meetings here.
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