It's only Wednesday morning and I have already learned so much this week! I am out of breath from the intense roller coaster ride that I have been on and it's been both wonderful and scary all at the same time. Although it has been amazing I have also learned so much and have so much to share with you, way too much for one Blog post so I may stretch it over a few posts. Let's me start by telling you what I have been up to :) On Monday morning our church band, D7 Band , started recording our very first album! I have the awesome privilege of being involved as one of the songwriters and singers. Keep in mind that D7 Church was born on 1 December 2009 and we have only started writing our own songs since then. Also keep in mind that none of us are professional musicians so this is a HUGE thing for us as a band and as a church. Personally, I have no singing experience and never in my wildest dreams did I ever see myself doing something like this. For me, this has been an
Inspiring women to be who they really are - daughters of the King!