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Esther or Delilah?

An honest look at how women use their beauty to seduce men! Whether you like it or not you are using your beauty for something, but are you using it to empower a man or are you using it in a way that leaves him powerless? Both Esther and Delilah were beautiful women in the Bible. Both women seduced the man in their life. One woman used her beauty to save her people; the other woman used her beauty to destroy her people. Today’s women are no different from Esther and Delilah. Which woman are you?

See fantastic photographs throughout the book and the cover by Lorah-Kelly

Available on: | | Kindle

Esther’s Story
Delilah’s Story
Esther or Delilah?
If I Perish, I Perish
Ruth’s Story
Jezebel’s Story
Ruth or Jezebel?
Abigail’s Story


  1. Oh my God! our beauty really plays a big role, 2Q..(1) how do we use our beauty; to empower a man or leave him powerless (2) which woman am i...Lord help us use our beauty for a purpose...thanks Angela.

    1. Angela18.10.12

      I agree Caroline, let's seek God for how to use our beauty. xxx

  2. Every now and then I pick up a book to give it a quick look through, and before I realize it I have read most or all of it. That happened to me last week when I picked up Esther or Delilah. My intention was to read the book’s introduction, which was so captivating that I ended up reading 5 additional chapters. I had to force myself to put the book down and get back to the tasks I had at hand.

    I was introduced to the book’s author, Angela De Souza, through an online writing community hosted by Harper Collins. She is primarily a women’s writer and conference speaker, but this book also contains good stuff for guys too. Throughout the book the reader will see the M2M box, which means “Message to Men,” with advice just for the guys. Among the advice, when talking about Samson, is, “You are not designed to be a wimp, you are not designed to be weak, and you are not designed to be passive. You are a warrior, so start acting like one (p.34).”

    The main focus of the book is comparing how women use their beauty, whether to save their family (and a nation) like Esther, or to destroy her man like Delilah. As she states on pages 110-111, “Beauty can be unveiled strategically or beauty can be unveiled manipulatively.”

    Every woman possesses charm, and throughout the course of her life she will learn how to use it’s power over men. Girls need to learn from a young age that the fruit of the Spirit can shape them into being the young lady that she needs to be. That is why the author includes chapters on Influence, Respect, Submission, Favor, Timing, Patience, Gentleness, Courage, Faithfulness, and Proverbs 31.

    Even though Esther and Delilah get most of the attention, the book also looks at Ruth, Jezebel, and Abigail, and how each of those ladies influenced the men in their lives. Abigail and Ruth helped bring the Messiah into the world through their descendants, while Jezebel’s entire family was destroyed because of her actions.

    Esther or Delilah ( is a great book for any lady to read, regardless of age. Because of the Message to Men feature, I would recommend it to any guys as well, and even if that part were not there, I would still recommend it because guys should know what a biblical woman looks like, and set their standards high.

    1. Angela18.10.12

      Thank you so much for your thorough review Tommy.

  3. This was inspiring and uplifting which opened my eyes as to how I was living my life. Every woman should own and share a copy of this with her friends.

    1. Angela9.12.12

      I am so pleased you enjoyed this book, may God bless you as you use what has impacted you in your life. xx


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