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Secure on the Rock

Every little girl wants to know that their daddy thinks they are beautiful! As we grow older that need doesn’t change, but what if your daddy didn't call you beautiful? What if he hurt you and did things that he shouldn't do?  How can you feel beautiful or believe that your Father in heaven loves you when you have no idea what that means?  Secure on the Rock is an emotional roller coaster ride through Angela's experiences with her earthly daddy and the security she finally found in the heart of her heavenly daddy. 

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StudyGuide: | | More Info
Free Audio:  Part 1 - Insecurity | Part 2 - Daddy 

My Daddy - A Sandy Foundation
My Darling - Freedom from controlling insecurity
My Daughters - Discovering my daddy’s delight in me
My Rescuer - Being rescued by my Prince
My Redeemer - Being pieced back together
My Rock - No turning back
My Only Hope - A life worth living


  1. Anonymous26.2.11

    This book will definitely help you to understand insecurity and find freedom from it. I found it particularly helpful as it touches the roots of what can be a very controlling pattern. A grabbing read; this book will keep you hooked as Angela describes her journey to freedom. Secure on the Rock will also help couples in their journey and Angela’s perspective really helps men understand women so much more. I found this book really opened my eyes as to the things that my wife may be feeling or going through. I highly recommend this book for men and women.

    1. Thank you for your constant support :)

  2. This is an awesome book. I couldn't put it down once I started reading. I think that every woman and man should read it. It certainly can help our understanding of insecurity and to bring about positive changes in peoples every day lives and their relationships, not only with each other but also with God. This is defo a "MUST READ"!!

    1. Great feedback, thank you Maurette xx

  3. Can't wait for this one!!

    1. I hope you managed to get a copy now Marli x

  4. I really recommend this book - this is proof that there is still hope and life after going through traumatic events like this. We can either choose to let it destroy us or let God take over our burdens and pains and see that we can truly live the fulfilling life God has planned for us, if we'll just let Him. Brilliant book Angela, its so real and will bless many women out there that are stuck in what may seem like a bottomless black pit. God can turn ANY situation around and Angela is living proof of this!

    1. It's great to hear that you enjoyed Secure on the Rock Cheryn xx

  5. If you are interested in taking a look behind the scenes of somebody's life, that is what you get in Angela's writing.

    Angela has had some harrowing experiences including suffering abuse at the hands of her Father and Step Father. The resulting insecurity plagued her marriage as she had an obsessive mistrust and envy of other women. At her own admission, she has done things she wouldn't repeat all of it threatening to destroy her and her life.

    But what is compelling is that the answer in it all is only, always and forever JESUS. He is the One who has set her secure on the rock.

    1. Amen Anna! It's only in Jesus that we can ever truly be secure. x

  6. I really enjoyed reading this book :) I cant wait to read the next one! xxx

  7. Although I have not suffered in the way that you did, I know so many women who have, and who would benefit from your book. It is beautifully written, with a smooth flow and easy to read.

    1. Angela23.3.12

      Thank you so much for your feedback Kerrie. x

  8. Laura13.2.13

    Having read Hopes Journey late in 2012m I thought I would try the next in the series as I'd found the initial book such an inspiration for my life. May I just say I had no idea what to expect with Secure on the Rock and it has been one of the greatest blessings that God has given to me.

    Throughout our lives we are all aware of certain struggles that we have and at times we find it hard to really understand the root of a lot of the problems we have to face. Secure on the Rock took me completely unawares and has transformed my life to such a degree it is barely recognisable. If you want a new you - buy this book. Not because this book will create a new you, but because it will allow you to finally see the real you. The way God sees you. And once you can see that, you will never need to look back again.

    Thank you again for all your hard work Angela, it is so much appreciated


    1. I am humbled by your feedback Laura and so pleased that my story has had such an impact on your life. xxx


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