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Money Matters

Are you tired of trying to get through each month, living only to make ends meet? Have you read all the books that promise ‘seven steps to financial freedom’ but lead you nowhere? Or are you someone who has plenty of money but can’t find any satisfaction in life?

Money Matters has powerful, yet easy to understand principles that will radically revolutionise your view of money. Best of all you don’t need a huge bank balance as a starting point, no matter what your current financial situation, whether rich, poor or anywhere in between, these principles will challenge you to the core resulting in financial freedom and a life of contentment GUARANTEED.

This set of three books has been written to help you deal with every angle of money matters. Money Matters is designed to help you understand the principles behind Godly money management. Money Matters Devotional is a thirty day reading program to assist you in 'changing' your mind in the area of money. The Money Matters Workbook is a very practical workbook giving you everything you need to take control of your money one step at a time.

Money Matters 

Simple Truths Leading to Financial Freedom
Designed to help you understand the principles behind Godly money management.

Availalbe on: | | Kindle
Money Matters Devotional

Renewing the Mind in the Area of Finances
A thirty day reading program to assist you in 'changing' your mind in the area of money.

Availalbe on: | | Kindle
Money Matters Workbook

Sort Out Your Money  One Step at a Time
A very practical workbook giving you everything you need to take control of your money one step at a time.

Availalbe on: | | Kindle

Download spreadsheets and template letters mentioned in the workbook here.


  1. Looking forward to this set of books - I think we could all use a bit of advice in the area of finances!

  2. I would like to purchase you books. Can I buy them for my Kobo? Amazon indicates that these books are out of print do you know when or where I can purchase them?

    Thanks Jennifer

    1. Anonymous14.2.12

      Hi Jennifer,

      I have checked up on Amazon and they will be available both in hard copy and on Kindle in about two weeks time. I will post the links here as soon as they are ready.


    2. Thank you!

  3. Anonymous15.2.12

    Hi Jennifer, the Money Matters Workbook is available on Amazon and Kindle now - here is the Kindle link
    The other two should be ready at the end of next week, I will keep you posted.

  4. Anonymous9.3.12

    Money Matters is out on Kindle now as well as paperback on Amazon.

    Money Matters Devotional will be ready soon too.


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