My wonderful daughter Lorah, has been putting loads of effort into her own blog lately! I thought I would take a moment to share it with you as it is well worth subscribing to. Lorah is the Creative Pastor at our church and is doing incredibly well with all that God has given her to do. She is faithfully sharing the journey that she is on through her blog, take a look here. This Sunday Samuel & Lorah preached for the first time and I am so proud of them, have a listen to their message here.
"God made us girls for extravagant, wild, imaginative, adventurous, fantastic loving!" The heart of a woman yearns for love, fantasises about romance and dreams of being someone’s princess. 21st century living has robbed us of that simple heart cry and Hollywood has fed us lies about romance. We need to fight for our passion & purity to take back the awesome adventure of living and loving without compromising our purity. Angela openly shares of how her search for passion ended up in adultery and how she managed to find a way back to purity. A must read for any woman who wants to be free to live and love with passion and purity. Available at: | | Kindle StudyGuide: | | More Info Contents: Introduction Robbed of Purity Searching for Passion Lies of Love Dating Games Rescued by the Prince Rebuilding My Soul ...
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