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Showing posts with the label Health and Beauty


This past Sunday at D7 Church I had the privilege of preaching the first message of the year in our brand new venue .  Of course being in a new venue presented all sorts of challenges and distractions and we had time pressure to get out of the venue early as the staff were hung over from their New Year's celebrations!  I hope that even though I had to skip through the message quite quickly and even though the message was quite informal with lots of chit chat in between, that they most important bits came through - the fast that fasting is an essential part of the Christian life and without it we lose out on so much that God has planned for us.  Read more about fasting here or listen to the message .

Nature's Way

A series of books that take a look at a more natural way of life. Nature's Beauty looks are natural health and beauty products, Nature's Hygiene looks at natural cleaning products and Nature's Weigh looks a 7 easy steps to your natural weight.

And the winner is...

Congratulations Samuel ! You have randomly been selected as the winner of our Pink Blush Giveaway . I actually did it twice and you came #1 both times so it's definitely meant for you!  I hope you enjoy these beautiful flowers. Thanks to all of you who entered! We will do another giveaway soon.

Pink Blush Giveaway

Bunches have very kindly offered this beautiful Pink Blush bouquet to one of our King's Daughters subscribers.  To enter make sure that you are subscribed by email to this blog and then simply leave your name in the comments section and then share this post with one of the share buttons below.  We will close the comments sometime next Tuesday and randomly select a winner.   If you don't win, you can still purchase your own beautiful Pink Blush bouquet here . Thank you Bunches for your continued support of King's Daughters and the King's Daughters Conference xxx

Flower care: fact or fiction?

There are many theories and old wives tales about the best ways to care for cut flowers, so I thought I would share some awesome info with you from Bunches .  Bunches provided us with the lovely chocolates that we had in our gift bags at the King's Daughters Conference recently, which was very kind of them.  All Bunches bouquets come complete with a flower care leaflet. For more flower care tips, visit their flower care page . 'Adding sugar or a copper coin to the vase water is the best way to keep your flowers fresh' – Fiction. It's best to use flower food as it contains the correct PH balance which prevents bacteria from growing. Liquid flower food is provided with every Bunches bouquet. 'Fresh flowers should be kept away from the fruit bowl' – Fact. Fruit produces ethylene gas which significantly speeds up the flower aging process. 'Putting Rose stems in boiling water for a minute before arranging helps them stay fresh' – Fact. Holding t


It's with extreme joy that I want to announce that our latest book, Being a Women , is available for you to buy.  We have had an incredible journey together at our weekly Girl's Nights and this book is the result.  Together we have explored what it means to be a Godly woman, we have recorded our conversations and opinions and presented them to you in a lovely book.  Also, as an added bonus, Lorah-Kelly had done some awesome photography and added it to our book so we have something pretty to look at too.  A very girly book but don't be fooled, the content is extremely challenging!  There were nights when tears were shed at how hard it can be and nights when much laughter was shared at the pure joy of the journey. Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster ride as you read Being a Woman which is available here in the UK , also in the USA and coming soon to Australia .

Fanny Adams

Meet Jane, one of our King's Daughters Conference speakers.  Jane has an incredible story which she will share at our conference, but she also has an incredible business which provides ethical fashion .  Jane creates unique clothing from second hand items which she then 'modifies' using vintage fabric trims and buttons.  She stared out by simply making customised clothing, bags and hats for herself.  Fr iends and even passers-by in the street, would stop her and ask where she had bought her gorgeous bags or clothes. Many enquiries and many orders later she started cardigan parties where she would show off and sell her latest designs. One thing led to another, which led to her making 300 hand trimmed cardigans for none other than Cath Kidston . Jane has since opened a fantastic shop in the gorgeous village of Blagdon where she sells the best organic, fair trade coffee in England along with her creative jacket and cardigan designs. Her shop also

Ethical Fashion III

Hi girls, The last couple of blogs have been all about ‘ ethical fashion ’ and I told you that this time would be about planning your wardrobe. This is really important if you want an ethical wardrobe. It means NOT buying on impulse, without any thought, poor quality clothes that quickly get chucked out. Rather this is buying where each piece is important, valued and looked after, (even mended rather than thrown away). Buying this way is buying less and better quality. (Many of the more expensive clothes for sale will not have been made for fair wages BUT you can be sure that really cheap ones guarantee unfair pay). This is buying thinking of the lifespan of the item and shopping with a plan and budget in mind. It’s a reason discovering your personal style is helpful so you can build up a wardrobe of things you actually like in a style you feel comfortable in. A few ideas on planning your wardrobe: Consider the way you spend your time and how much of your wardrobe is dedicat

Ethical Shopping

After being totally inspired by Anna's recent posts on Ethical Fashion and Jazmine's story , I hit the charity shops to do some 'ethical shopping'!  I tried of loads of dresses as I really need something summery for the last bit of summer.  Nothing really suited me but I found one skirt and one top which I absolutely love! Fun floral skirt from Sue Ryder , Winchcombe, £4.95 with strap top from Tesco, £3 White top from Sue Ryder, £1.25. I mixed the white top with a cream top I already had so that I covered any cleavage that might have shown, to make sure the outfit was modest . Photos by Lorah-Kelly with thanks. And then, much to my delight, I discovered that my favourite cardigan matched the colours of my new skirt perfectly!  All in all a really fun day of shopping and playing with clothes while keeping it totally ethical :)  So how about you? Do you want to share your finds?  Send me an email with the photos, price and a little bit of

Jazmine Rocks

I have been TOTALLY inspired by Jazmine Rocks, a nineteen year old art student and charity shop volunteer from London.  Actually, I knew Jazmine and her mum, Barrina, from quite some time ago when she was still a little girl having sleep overs at our home with Lorah !  I am so proud of the woman she has become and am totally inspired by what she is doing with her life!   Jazmine loves second hand shopping, in fact she has taken something that many people turn their noses up at, and turned it into something quite trendy!  I was never sure about the whole charity shopping thing but since discovering what Jazmine is doing I have become a fan.  Today I plan to hit the charity shops and see what I can see and I hope I can put a decent outfit together as well as Jazmine does.  This is a fantastic part of our Wardrobe Tips series and fits in really nicely with our Ethical Fashion convictions too.  If you have done any ethical shopping lately or put together a nice outfit from the charity

Ethical Fashion II

Hi girls, In my previous blog , I wanted to highlight just a few of the issues involved in ‘ethical fashion’. This time I want to make some suggestions of how we can find clothes that won’t have caused suffering or death to the people who make them. So here goes: Plan your wardrobe (more on this in the next blog ). Be aware that retailers do take notice of YOU. Every £ spent is a vote cast for a particular way of production. Retailers look at sales figures and ask if people cared about conditions of production, would they keep buying these items. So tell them and show them you do care. According to Katharine Hamnett, we really do have influence. She recommends that you write to shops you like and ask them about their ethical policies, tell them where you stand and how you will not be able to continue shopping at their stores if you don’t see them caring about workers and the planet. She says they will definitely listen and take notice the more they are challenged. Resea

Ethical Fashion

Hi girls, I’m back for another guest wardrobe tips blog and this time I wanted to highlight a subject that I think is very important to us as King’s daughters: ‘ethical fashion’. When I say to you… “I don’t want people to suffer or die to produce clothes for me to wear” …perhaps it sounds like I’m just trying to shock you and get your attention. But the awful thing is that although we don’t know it, that’s exactly what we’re responsible for when we buy a lot of the clothes that are for sale today. The reality is that much of what we wear is made by women in ‘sweat shops’. This means they work in unsafe conditions with no proper toilet facilites in oppressive temperatures. They are often sexually assaulted, forced to have abortions and take contraceptives and abused and threatened by managers. They work for long hours, get low pay (not enough for proper food), are not allowed to join a union or any organisation that would represent their interests, have no career development an

Being a Woman - Who Dresses Modestly

I have recently been doing a series on wardrobe tips , to help us girls get the most out of our clothing.  It's had been a lot of fun looking into this and there is much more to come from both Anna and I and hopefully some other lovely ladies from the fashion world too.  The Wheelie Case has also been doing the rounds and we have been having loads of fun with that too.  Dressing up is fun and so is finding our personal style - we are girls and we love to play around with clothes and makeup. There is nothing wrong with feeling beautiful in your own skin and in the clothes you wear. What is not healthy though is when we get our identity from what we wear.  Clothes should not define us at all.   1 Timothy 2:9-10 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Braided hair, or gold or pearls ref

How to Find Your Personal Style

Hi girls, Angela has asked me to do a guest blog of wardrobe tips ahead of King’s Daughters Conference 2011 . The plan for the day sounds so amazing I can’t wait to meet you all and I’m looking forward to talking about ‘ On Beauty, Body And Clothes ’. The work I do is all based around introducing girls and women to Jesus, to His unconditional love and all He has done for us. Among other things, that has included me dealing with subjects like beauty and clothes because they are connected to the way we feel about ourselves which has everything to do with us knowing Jesus. But more about that at the conference…! In the mean time, I wanted to tell you a little bit about the session I will be running during the dinner break: HOW TO FIND YOUR PERSONAL STYLE . I believe that because we are all unique, each of us has an individual style – our own taste and way of putting clothes and accessories together. I don’t believe that any one person’s style is better that another person’s. I

The Wheelie Case

Have you ever been distressed because you have nothing to wear!  You know, one of those days when nothing fits, you don't feel pretty and you would rather cancel the day and go back to bed than get dressed.  Well I have those days. Now I know our clothes don't define us and our identity and beauty should not stem from what we wear, but having something nice to wear does help doesn't it?  So, I have come up with a solution to minimise those bad days.  My solution is "The Wheelie Case"!  This morning I sorted out my clothes and popped the following clothes into a wheelie case: All the clothes that are too small for me that I am hoping to fit into again one day.  These clothes just make me feel fat and depressed.  They stare at me from my drawers telling me that I can't fit into them anymore so now I am fat.  Lying clothes simply have to go - no more lies, I am not fat. All the clothes that are too big for me that make me feel thinner but make me look shabby an

Beauty - The Theme

The theme of the King's Daughters Conference 2011 is BEAUTY! Did you know that only 2% of women think that they are beautiful. Watch this video and see why most of us feel like we no longer measure up to the worlds standards of beauty!  This year's conference is going to focus on how we as King's Daughters can KNOW that we truly are beautiful - inside and out.  We were made in the image of God to reflect His beauty. I have so much more exciting news to follow soon. xxx

Hope's Journey - Have a Checkup

I was at the gynaecologists’ office joking around about how I have never had this sort of check up in my life. He took some medical history and then asked me to lie down on the examination table. My palms were sweaty and my heart racing a bit as I was dreading what was to come. Pap smears and internal examinations are just not very comfortable and since this was my very first time having a smear I was feeling a bit embarrassed.  To break the ice a bit I thought I would chat about something unusual that I had noticed in my body. When I lay on my back and my bladder was a bit full my lower abdomen seemed to be swollen. Thinking this was just my full bladder I made a casual joke about it and pointed it out as my bladder was getting quite full at the time of this examination. He had a look and remarked that it did seem rather swollen and asked if it would be alright for him to do an ultrasound scan so that he could take a closer look at it. I was thrilled to delay the internal exami

Hope's Journey - Eat, Sleep & Exercise

Chapter 2 - Eat, Sleep & Exercise One of the first things I tackled when cleaning up my act and getting my life sorted out with God was to sort out my physical body. I was after all pregnant and I wanted this precious one inside of me to have a perfect life, totally opposite to mine thus far. I would do anything and everything to ensure that this little life inside of me was pure. It was as if I was having a new start through her. Everything I did wrong in life I could make right by making her life lovely, wonderful, peaceful and pure. This was the mind of a pregnant seventeen year old that had just been given a fresh start in life. In many ways even though it wasn’t the truth of how it all worked it did help me change the way I saw life. The first step back then was for me to eat well and exercise, and that is the first step now too. Time passed, my precious baby girl Lorah was born. Life continued, along with all its ups and downs, and although I really tried my best I

Oatmeal Facial Mask & Tea Bag Eye Refresher

Jordan & I had a bit of a girly night last night. Jordan found a recipe for a home made facial mask and a solution for refreshing our eyes - tea bags! As you can see in the photo, the mask didn't stick too well onto our face. I think we should have ground the oats a little finer. Also, we had to alternate which eye we had our tea bag on as we were watching a movie while allowing our mask to work it's magic on our skin. So if you are in the mood for a bit of a pamper or just a really good laugh, here is our recipe: 3 tablespoons of pulverized oats whole milk yogurt 1 tablespoon of olive oil Juice of half a lemon Apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, then pat your face dry.

Bicarb, Vinegar & Olive Oil

Anyone who knows me knows that I am passionate about healthy living! I don't always get it right, I do eat McDonald's sometimes and drink coke way too often. Never-the-less I do work at healthy living and one day will stop drinking coke... In the meantime here are some things that I like to use at home: Teeth Whitening - I use bicarbonate of soda on my toothbrush after regular brushing to whiten my coffee stained teeth! It really works & is way less expensive than whitening products. Household Cleaner - Much to my children's disapproval I use white vinegar for cleaning most things in the kitchen. I shine stainless steal, clean my windows and wipe down my surfaces with vinegar. It kills mould & bacteria and gives everything a nice shine & again costs very little. I actually came across a website that gives 1001 uses for white vinegar - check it out Hair Treatment - In the Bible it says that you should anoint your head with oil so base