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God Chicks by Holly Wagner

I was so excited about sharing this book with you and have finally got all the children settled down so I can get on with it and am not sure where to begin now! How do you describe a book that has you in stitches with laughter but at the same time is so profound that you will not be the same ever again after reading it!  I must say I read it a few years ago and find myself reading it over and over as different things hit me during different seasons. My daughters also read it over and over again so our copy is well worn and always being read by someone.

My favourite chapter is the first chapter - the just be u chick. This chapter totally blew me away as I realised that it's OK to be me, totally me, and I don't have to copy anyone else for God to use me. Sounds simple enough but so few of us really believe that, most of us never feel good enough and are always working so terribly hard at being good enough. If you are a busy mum like me, I would highly recommend that you at least find time to read the first chapter of God Chicks! You can't really read the rest of the book until you have read that anyway as all the rest hinges on us being who we are.  Get your own copy of God Chicks on Amazon.

A message from Holly Wagner

Thanks for all of your kind words! And I am so glad that GODCHICKS has been a blessing to you. That was certainly my intention when I wrote it!! I knew there was a generation of women ready to make a difference in the world, and determined to do it by being themselves! Thank you for being on this journey with me...and for walking strong - with your crown on!

Love to you all!
Holly Wagner

PS If you want, you can check out the next step of this journey by reading my latest book WARRIORCHICKS


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  1. I absolutely love this book! I read it all the time and I will keep reading it until I can remember it word for word! I think that the women of today are so confused as to who they are and their place in this world, but this book really helped me to realise my place and my role in the world! And I am loving the freedom of just being me! I agree with what my mom said about reading the just be u chick, because it is soo important that we all know who we are, because when we know who we are, we realise just how much we can actually do!

    Every time I read this book, I learn something new that I can apply to my life, and its been such a fun and exiting journey and I would definitely recommend this to all women! :)

  2. I have started to read this book and i couldnt put it down!! I am just about to start the champion chick chapter - i am loving it and it makes u think about alot in our lives - well i am thinking anyhow hee hee
    it is already changing how i think about things and my heat skips a beat when i think about it that i am my Fathers Princess. Oh how he loves he and he calls me His XD oh how i love him!!!

  3. I have just finished the Friend Chick and something that i will be applying in my life is a follows ;
    Each person is an individual and we all all have different personalities but this we dont seem (i didnt)to really get, ive challenged myself to -
    1-instead of thinking that girl is too picky & detailed,learn to value her for her organisational skills!
    2-instead of thinking she's too hyper..make the choice to value her for her energy & spontaneity!
    3-instead of thinking she is toopushy & telling me what to do, b grateful she's in your life as u prob go more places!
    4 -instead of thinking she's a slug & hardly speaks...b grateful for her peaceful presence in a chaotic world!!
    Think about it xx

  4. This is FANTASTIC!!!!
    I finally finished it and wow! To even apply a few things will totally change our lives.
    I encourage every women to read it :-)


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