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Hold on to Your Joy

I have noticed lately that joy is really precious but sadly it is easily lost. I have happy moments but what I would really like is a joyful lifestyle. In the Bible there are verses that say that our "joy may be full ". I really long for that, that my joy may be full. It sounds secure and constant, to me it is not a fleeting moment but it is a lifestyle. In the Bible in Galatians 5:22-23 it speaks of joy as being a fruit of the Spirit, so how do we get the fruit of the Spirit? Like any fruit from any tree, it has to grow from a seed & over a period of time & in the right season. John 15: 4 gives us a key and that is to abide in Jesus. So these are the things I am considering in order to lead a joyful lifestyle: 1) What things in my life bring me joy? 2) What of these things conflict with my priorities in my current season ? 3) What of these things are actually unhealthy & will produce bad fruit in my life? 4) What of these things are going to produce good

Community Pastor Wanted

Our Church is looking for a lovely person or couple to serve as community pastor/s with us. If you or someone you know may be interested in this sort of role please leave your email address in the comments box and we will send you the full details. No previous experience necessary only a passion for Jesus and a genuine love for people required. Full training is provided :)

How to make Friends

Yes I know this subject seems a bit strange, but I can't tell you how many lonely people I have met who genuinely don't know how to make new friends. I am no expert on this as I am an introvert who is quite content with my own company ha ha. Never-the-less over the years I have had to step out of my comfort zone and intentionally build friendships. I will share what has worked for me but I would be very grateful if you could share what works for you too as different personalities approach things from different angles. If you are an outgoing sort of person you are probably laughing at this post as you are constantly surrounded by people, but I would like to challenge you too. How deep are your friendships? To make friends I would suggest: Get around people: It's very difficult to meet people if you don't put yourself in a position to meet people. Church of course is a great place and even better is to get involved in church life. Another idea could be to join a c

I Have Only Three Friends

I have only three friends! This isn't because I am a sad loner, this is because I am selective and specific about who I call a friend. So many people come to me and say they want to be my friend but what they are really saying is that they want me to be their friend... if you know what I mean? What they are really saying is that they want me to be there for them, me to stay in touch with them, me to run around after all their needs. When the time comes that I have a need or when perhaps my world starts falling apart, where are all these people that said that they wanted to be my friend? Nowhere to be found - the relationship has become work and they have run off to find someone else who will make them happy! This is not a negative, have a go at people post. This is a let's get real post. How many friends do you really have? I am passionate about building a church where people really care and where real friendships are grown. Of course we serve each others needs, of co

Marriage Tip #10 - Be Thankful

I wrote thankful & not grateful for this tip as I realised the importance of saying thank you. Especially for the little things. Sometimes I feel grateful when I see Eric do something for me but I have to remind myself that he doesn't know I am feeling grateful. It's so important to express gratitude by saying thank you. Lately I have been making a point of noticing the small things as I have been taking them for granted and even worse - I have started to expect things that I used to be grateful for. That's not nice & that can damage our marriage! Like my nice cup of coffee in the morning. I am so grateful that Eric brings me coffee but it has become a bit of a habit now and I have started expecting it. So just to make sure I don't become ungrateful and expect this nice treat I make sure I say thank you and from time to time I get up before him and make him a nice cup of tea. A while ago Daniel & I didn't feel very well at all so Eric took car

Depression Warning Signs

It is with great sadness that I share a story with you today about a friend of mine. This is what she wrote to me about her sister: "It's so puzzling but she seems to have had some sort of mental breakdown which may have built up over a long period of time and to be honest I hadn't really spoken to her in a couple of months and was completely unaware of the situation until her husband called in tears. I went over there for four days. The second day I was there she had to be hospitalised because she hadn't eaten at all. She wouldn't say a word and apparently wasn't speaking for a week or two before this happened, just a word here and there. I spoke to her for hours on end and she just wouldn't say a word but would make eye contact. I'm pretty sure she understands what we say. Anyway she's in a psychiatric hospital now (I can't believe this), will actually be 2 weeks on Friday she'll have been there. When she got there they gave her me

Happy Birthday Darling xxx

I have the hottest, most amazing husband in the whole world!!! Best of all today is his birthday so I can make a fuss over him :) Happy Birthday Darling xxx Eric has shown me the true meaning of being loved & he has shown me how AMAZING marriage is. I love our life and I am so grateful to him for loving me the way he does, for being so patient with me as I have worked through some difficult things. I admire his teachable spirit and his integrity. Eric is a man that has pure spirit - it is so refreshing to be around someone so lovely. I don't think anyone knows him to way I do. Our church will never know how much he loves & cares for them, how much time & effort he puts into each sermon as well as all the other details of church life. How much he has sacrificed to build our Church & how much more he is willing to give in order to see more lives changed & set free. I honour you today my wonderful husband because I see all these things and I count it an honou