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Women of the World

I didn't sleep well last night.  I was troubled.  What I had heard yesterday disturbed me.  Surely that can't be true.  Surely that sort of thing doesn't still happen in this day and age.  There are women in this world, many women, who have real problems.  Life threatening problems.  These women have no help and they continue to suffer without any hope of change.  I tossed and turned all night, wrestling with God, saying, "What can I do, I am just one woman with little to offer."  
    It was then that I realised that King's Daughters is not about me, it never was and I never wanted it to be, but it is all about what God wants to do for His daughters in this world.  He is grieved that His precious daughters are suppressed and we who are free should rise up and do something about it.

How?  I don't know but that doesn't mean we will sit back and do nothing.  
When? Right now.  
Who?  You and me
Why?  Because we can

Together, we can make a difference.  We will start by raising awareness of the suffering of other women.  We will start by raising up a team to build King's Daughters into an international organisation.  We will start by praying that God's will be done.  
    Women in the UK and USA, do you know how rich you are?  Do you know how small your problems really are?  Do you know that if you lost everything today you would still be better off than most women in other parts of the world?  Consider women who are trapped in the sex trade in most of Europe, Thailand and Brazil.  Young girls who are being subjected to genital mutilation in Kenya as a part of their culture, young girls being abducted and raped by LRA warlords in Sudan.  Do you want to hear more or would you rather turn a blind eye? 

Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, And plead the cause of the poor and needy.
- Proverbs 31:8-9

And so, today, I have started a new category on this blog called 'World Wide' where we will explore what is happening to women and see what we can do about it.  As wealthy and privileged women, we must fight for those that cannot fight for themselves.  We will all stand before God one day and have to give account for how we used everything He has given us, and saying that we maintained a nice house and nice car  and raised 2.4 children won't cut it!
    Soon I will share with you what I heard about yesterday.  Be prepared to have your heart ripped out, it's gut wrenching and we must do something about it.  If you want to get involved in the King's Daughters Causes team please get in touch and if you live in the South West of England why not join us this Saturday to raise money for a disadvantaged Kenyan woman's son, Amos - join us for a fundraising meal this Saturday in Ross-on-Wye. It's £15 for a traditional African meal and promises to be a fantastic afternoon. For more info please contact Mark and Cynthia at


  1. I recently saw the movie ' The Whistleblower' with Rachel Weisz and it discussed the sex trade in Bosnia. When you see the statistics at the end of these movies, such as 'Trade' with Kevin Kline - it is very disturbing. I cannot believe a lot of this goes on in America too - it's very scary and sad.

    Stopping by from Katherines Favorite Things Thursday.

    1. Anonymous9.3.12

      Hi Yona,

      It's terrible how ignorant us western women are don't you think? Most of the world's women are hurting and we need to do something about it.

      Thank you for stopping by.


  2. Hello,

    It's horrible that women are suffering in the world and I know that I have to pray for them. We can't turn away we have to do something and it starts now. Thank you for posting this. Coming from the Thursday Katherine's corner blog hop.

  3. Kings Daughters10.3.12

    Thank you for your comment, I agree, it must start now!


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