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Fanny Adams Vintage

May I, with great enthusiasm, introduce one of our King's Daughter's to you. Her name is Jane Massam and she is the founder of Fanny Adams Vintage! It is such a treat to have Jane on our blog and I am sure you will find her story very inspiring - it's a rags to riches story. Jane was at a point in her life where she wasn't sure exactly where God was leading her. Like most women Jane had girlish dreams of meeting and marrying her prince charming, having a bunch of children and settling down in their gorgeous country cottage home. Prince charming did come and whisk Jane off of her feet and soon after a country home was miraculously given to them. What a great start to a fairly tale life - a lovely husband and a mortgage free home. Sadly the life that Jane planned didn't quite go according to the fairy tale plan, through many years of struggle and heartache it became apparent that it was a possibility that Wes and Jane were not going to be able to start a family of the

Welcome Guatemala!

Have you noticed our flag counter on the right hand margin of this blog? You can click on it to see full details too. It's great to see who is visiting us and where they are from. The latest visitor to King's Daughters is from Guatemala - isn't that awesome! So welcome to you our visitor from Guatemala - please do introduce yourself in the comments box below, we would love to hear from you :) Also to the rest of you wonderful King's Daughters, please introduce yourself and let us know where you are from.

Date Night

On date night last week Eric & I went to see Date Night, the movie! I laughed my head off from begining to end. I don't know how a single person would find it but as a married couple you will pick up on each and every joke and have a good chuckle! The story is basically about a couple who are concerned that their married is getting a little dull so they head off for a romantic date night in the city. I will say no more than that, watch the trailer here :)

Depression Solution - Make Lists

Yippee let's make a list - um... I guess not very exciting really! It's not the list making that is exciting it is what the list can do for you when you feel down. I have two lists; things that fill me and things that drain me. Every time I have found something that either fills me or drains me I write it on my list. This way when I am feeling drained and can remind myself of what fills me and force myself to do it. The list that drains me is a great tool too as it reminds me of what not to do too much of. Lists have really helped me over the years. I even have a list of who I am and who I am not. This has helped me so much too. On one occasion I was in an interview for a job I thought I would really like. I thought this job was a project manager role but half way through the interview I realised it was a personal assistant role. As soon as I realised this I said to the interviewer; "I am sorry, I don't want to waste your time, this job is not for me!"

Marriage Tip #9 - Humble Yourself

Sometimes we are just too proud & selfish. We think it's all about us & all about our needs & the fact that every single one of our needs are not being met. If you find yourself going there just humble yourself before God & before your husband. Say sorry for being selfish & ask what you can do to make things better. This will work every time & win you loads of points with God & with your spouse ha ha. No one can resist a humble person. Remember you are no longer your own, you belong to God as you were bought with the precious blood of Jesus & when you got married you became one with your spouse. You are not your own anymore, you are a part of something much bigger. From time to time I get into selfish mode & make things all about me. The first thing I do to humble myself is to remember that Eric & I are working on having a great marriage - it's about our marriage not about myself.

Bicarb, Vinegar & Olive Oil

Anyone who knows me knows that I am passionate about healthy living! I don't always get it right, I do eat McDonald's sometimes and drink coke way too often. Never-the-less I do work at healthy living and one day will stop drinking coke... In the meantime here are some things that I like to use at home: Teeth Whitening - I use bicarbonate of soda on my toothbrush after regular brushing to whiten my coffee stained teeth! It really works & is way less expensive than whitening products. Household Cleaner - Much to my children's disapproval I use white vinegar for cleaning most things in the kitchen. I shine stainless steal, clean my windows and wipe down my surfaces with vinegar. It kills mould & bacteria and gives everything a nice shine & again costs very little. I actually came across a website that gives 1001 uses for white vinegar - check it out Hair Treatment - In the Bible it says that you should anoint your head with oil so base

Prayer Needs

From time to time we all need a little extra prayer support! I don't know about you but I value all the prayer I can get especially in the rough times. The gorgeous baby boy in the photo above, Rowan, has been told that he has an unusually large hole in his heart. Please would you stand with me in prayer and believe that when he goes for his next check up it will be completely closed. Also please pray for his parents, Barry & Jana, for peace during the weeks that lead up to this confirmation of his miraculous healing! Do you believe in healing? I do and can't wait to report back to you that God has healed this precious little one. Do you have something that you would like us to prayer for? Why not share your need so we can all stand together in prayer for each other and see God's miracles in our lives. Leave your prayer request in the comment box below and I promise to pray for each and every one.