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Happy Birthday Jordan

Today is my special baby girls 15th birthday! It strange saying 15 as she has seemed 13 since she was 9 and we spent all of 14 teasing her that she is 12 so 15 is quite a big deal for all of us - we finally have to accept that she really is growing up. I am so proud of you Jordan, despite all the tough things that life has thrown at you already, you have grown into a very sensitive, caring and lovely young woman. I am really impressed with your gift for writing and for the awesome songs you produce and I hope that you will continue to writing. Have a very happy birthday baby, I am excited to see all that your future holds for you. xxx

Depression Solution - Make Hope

This is a very simple suggestion but works wonders. In my own life and in other people's life I have observed that depressed people often have nothing to look forward to. I often get down when all I can see ahead of me is the mundane day to day routine of my life. Even though I love my life I can still get depressed by the routine of it. Waking up in the morning to face a dirty nappy and a mountain of dishes. Breakfast, lunch, supper - as usual! People needing urgent assistance with something or other yet again. It's not that I don't care it's just that sometimes my heart does grow cold. The way I keep fresh and avoid getting really depressed is I make hope :) I put something in my near future that I will love doing. Usually it's a holiday or weekend away or even just a few hours for myself. Perhaps it's a visit with a friend I haven't seen in ages or perhaps even just a day out with my girls. This really helps keep my life more interesting. I know

What do you say to that?

What do you say when one of your congregation tell you that they are so excited about giving their very first tithe this coming Sunday? It's so absolutely precious to see someone understand tithing and having such joy to give. What do you say when that same person who is excited about giving their tithe is actually giving because they recently accepted Jesus and totally get what the tithe is all about? Many old Christians sit in church and make excuses not to tithe but this brand new Christian gets it and totally wants in! What do you say when that same person who is excited about giving their tithe & totally gets it is sitting in a hospital bed but totally glowing with Jesus. You see this person came to church a few months ago because we were offering free sandwiches. Why did he need a free sandwich? Because he was living on the street - he was homeless. Why was he homeless? Because he was a heroine addict! What can you possibly say to someone who only a few weeks earli

Marriage Tip #8 - Have Fun

Don't forget to have fun!!! This is why you got married in the first place wasn't it? Didn't you enjoy your time together? Making time for dates is essential. Eric & I have our date night every Wednesday & it is the highlight of our week. Also we have our family day every Saturday so we can have fun with the children. These two dates really make our life special & FUN! We also love to play games either just the two of us or as a family. Playing is so important & if we neglect this we tend to just focus on work which can make us boring :( Our motto is to work hard & play hard! Perhaps do what you first did when you were dating. I say perhaps because you may not have been a Christian when you first dated & I would not recommend you go back to ungodly things ha ha. Spice things up - no one likes Mr or Mrs boring :) What do you like to do for fun together?

Depression Solution - First Things First

I have several first things and if they get neglected it does affect the balance in my life which. If this unbalance continues for a long period of time I can get depressed. It may sound really simple but I have learned that I need this sense of balance in my life practically to keep a sense of internal balance too. For me first things are my relationship with God, the state of my home & time with my family. If I neglect any of these things I loose the balance in my life. My time with God is essential. It is not a religious act of reading my Bible and praying in order to keep my conscience clear - it's definitely nothing like that at all. It's like eating breakfast - if I don't eat breakfast in the morning my body gets annoyed with me. In the same way if I don't have a nice cuddle & chat with Jesus in the morning my Spirit & soul gets annoyed with me. Sometimes I have a time of prayer, most times I read the Bible and sometimes I just sit. I say good

Depression Solution - Have a Check Up

Picking up from where I left off on the last Depression Solutions post... I was at the gynaecologists office joking around about how I have never had a check up in my life. To cut a long story short - that day he discovered that I had a very large cyst in my womb! It was as about 14cm by 15cm and then still about another 12cm deep. I did look a bit pregnant and there were moments when the thought had crossed my mind that maybe I was. The reason I said in my last post that it was a miracle is because the ONLY reason I went for this check up at all was because I was being obedient to what I felt God was telling me to do to lead a depression free life. I had no symptoms that caused me to go for a check-up, I was simply following the process that I believe God was guiding me in. It's possible that I would not be alive today if I had not had that check up as I was scheduled for immediate surgery when the cyst was discovered. The journey after that was one miracle after another.

Help! I Am Being Used

Why is it in church we tolerate leaven (Galatians 5:9) & reject the lost? The Why is it we despise those who use us & resent those who curse us? Why is it that we love the sweet lovely people in church or even the false teachers who look so "nice" & turn our noses up at the people who swear or act rough! Come on people enough is enough either we are Christians or not? What does the Bible say? Here is an example - for the sake of privacy we will call this lady Sarah. Sarah comes to church and takes whatever she can from the coffee table & slips it into her handbag. She takes everything from sweets & cakes to tea bags. As soon as the service starts she leaves. I am not 100% sure but it is possible that she even sells the sandwiches she gets from us to homeless people. She comes to our coffee mornings & we buy her coffee every week. She turns up every Sunday and every Thursday without fail & uses us! So what should we do? Complain &