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Monday & Tuesday... Joy, Alarm Clocks & Babies

My morning coffee had barely been absorbed when it all started! One band member had over slept and wasn't going to get to the studio on time. Stress started mounting and quick thinking was required to get things on track. Contact the other band member and change plans, get Daniel & Amy ready earlier than planned and rush out the door to the baby sitter. Check. OK we can do this. Stress mounting, baby food flying, not quite the same excitement as yesterdays recording day. More bad news, the baby sitter wasn't answering the door, now what? There is no way we can record a CD with two little people running around. Time is ticking, stress is mounting and plans are falling apart. There is no excitement at all about today, what a enormous change from yesterday. It's as if Monday was the high and Tuesday we all came crashing down to a low. Well that's how Tuesday of last week started. Tomorrow we are back at the studio so I thought I would wrap up my tales from l

Monday & Tuesday... Confidence Crisis

Huddled in the corner of the studio, I was sitting holding back the tears whilst telling myself to stop these silly thoughts. I knew I was being pathetic and there was no way I was going to cry about it! So I sat there, giving myself a telling off all the while trying to look like I was alright. The band looks on from the other room, oblivious to my inner turmoil. It's hard for me to hide my feelings, my face always gives my feelings away, so I thought I'd better put some distance between me and them so that they can't see my struggle. The band have been awesome, incredibly supportive and regularly offering lovely comments about how well I was doing. Their kindness was consistent all through Monday and Tuesday, but this was crunch time, the final vocal recording time. The pressure was now on! All through Monday and Tuesday I have been on this roller coaster ride. One minute I hear the play back of a song and am really encouraged thinking that I don't sound too bad

Monday & Tuesday... In The Studio

It's only Wednesday morning and I have already learned so much this week! I am out of breath from the intense roller coaster ride that I have been on and it's been both wonderful and scary all at the same time. Although it has been amazing I have also learned so much and have so much to share with you, way too much for one Blog post so I may stretch it over a few posts. Let's me start by telling you what I have been up to :) On Monday morning our church band, D7 Band , started recording our very first album! I have the awesome privilege of being involved as one of the songwriters and singers. Keep in mind that D7 Church was born on 1 December 2009 and we have only started writing our own songs since then. Also keep in mind that none of us are professional musicians so this is a HUGE thing for us as a band and as a church. Personally, I have no singing experience and never in my wildest dreams did I ever see myself doing something like this. For me, this has been an

You are... loved with an everlasting love

Since Eric & I first started dating he has consistently done the sweetest thing. From time to time he sends me "you are" emails where he writes something really sweet, starting with you are... then followed by a phrase affirming my identity. We have been together for six years now and he still takes time to do this. I have kept every single one, they mean so much to me and they help me remember who I am and how much I am loved. Today I would like to start doing the same thing for us girls, I am going to write a "you are" post from time to time to remind us of who we are as King's Daughters. See it as an email from heaven! It's great fun realising that when we are born again we are adopted into God's family and become princesses :) That is only step one though, the rest of the journey is a beautiful journey of discovering what it means to be a princess. So here is today's precious reminder: You are... loved with an everlasting love Jeremiah

A God Shaped Hole II

"In the effort to make things perfect, a woman can beg her man to be like the one over there. She's hoping that if he could change, she'd finally be whole. When the man feels that he is asked to be something he wasn't ever made to be, when he senses the pressure to meet expectations that seem unattainable, when he wants to fill but doesn't really understand how to pour, after years of talking and trying and talking some more the man can step back in frustration. The woman tries to counter the distance by leaning and desperately asking him for more. And he might try from miles away, but he can't. So he looks across the back yard and wonders if his neighbours woman has these needs. Maybe she doesn't. Maybe a woman like her could appreciate a man like him. And his heart wonders away. And he gives up on romance with the one he has loved and the passion dies. And the heart of the woman who has expected the man to be enough dies with it. The woman is a

My Gorgeous Family

We were given a delightful oppurtunity to have a photo shoot as a family and I am thrilled to share this photo with you, many thanks to Portrait Academy for this lovely photo!

A God Shaped Hole

I have been so very inspired lately, much more than usual! It's so wonderful finally realising who I am and what God wants from me in this life. I have often longed for this kind of freedom in my life and for years have felt so trapped. At the time I couldn't quite identify what it was that trapped me but I knew I wasn't free. For most of my life I was trapped in insecurity and at other times I was lost and couldn't figure out my true identity. Other seasons I found myself trapped in sin and in other seasons I was trapped in busyness. The list could go on forever but in each season of my life I have desired the freedom that I know God desires for me too. Finally I have begun to taste that freedom. I know it is only the beginning too, how exciting, there is so much more to come. The Bible says in John 8:36 that if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. This is the freedom I always desired, the indeed sort of freedom ha ha. The truth is, t