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Showing posts with the label Seasons

My Life Pie Update

It's two weeks into the new year and I feel a bit overwhelmed by the reality of my life but also hopeful that somehow I can find the balance - in fact I will not stop trying until I get my days looking more like I want them to! In my previous post  I launched the concept of the My Life Pie. I was not quite sure how you would take it. Some loved it and some hated it. However, as the days go by I find myself sharing it with others as a way of explaining my attempt to find some balance this year.   So far I established that I work way too much and do little else during the week. Every Saturday I stay in my pyjamas and do as little as possible to recover from the week, leaving a little energy to get my butt to church on Sundays and do my best at loving my Christian brothers and sisters. Shocking I know!! My Life Pie gave me some sense of order, at least in theory, yet to be realised practically. Cleaning was the very first thing that I noticed was missing when after one

Depression, learned behaviour and the freedom to choose.

It's no secret, I have tried so many things to beat depression. I have come at it from every angle, been on and off meds, prayed, fasted, experimented with food and exercise and done whatever I have thought to do. The early years of my struggle are recorded in Hope's Journey . There are days when I feel cheated of life itself, like I will never know it feels like to be content or normal! It is frustrating. At times I just hate myself. I hate that I cry for stupid things, shout at the children I love dearly and annoy my wonderful husband with my nonsense. I don't always feel this way or even behave this way but there are times when I do and I beat myself up over it because it's not the person I want to be. Our current Girl's Night series this year is a powerful one and already after the very first session I feel empowered and excited about the possibilities. What struck me most was that I had to choose contentment and not wait for the feelings to come. I know t

My Life Pie

You think I am mad but in my desperate attempt to find balance in my life I have create a Life Pie! I have gone chart and spreadsheet mad this year to get more out of life. This my latest one! I figured rather than set goals for the year only I have set goals for each day so that I don't only work but make time for other things. Easier said than done but this is what I am going to try to do each day.... How do you manage to balance your life - what is your biggest time thief and what do you want more time to do?  I would love to hear from you. Love

King's Daughters 2016 - A year of rest

King's Daughters Team This year is the 7th year since King's Daughters humble beginning - read our very first post from 2009 here . I am so pleased that this very post is still the heartbeat and mission of King's Daughters. Our deep desire is to help women know who they really are - daughters of the King! You can read a summary of our journey on the About page. After some serious prayer and discussion with the team I believe that God would have King's Daughters rest for 2016. I don't know exactly what that will look like for us but I can tell you what I do know. King's Daughters Conference We will not be having our usual annual conference in 2016 - the team will be having a break. Our conference will resume in 2017 with Awake and Arise on 10 June 2017. Girl's Nights We will be having Girl's Nights at King's Coffee Shop once a month. You are all welcome to join us if you are able to.  Events will be posted in our Facebook group. Pra

Reflections of 2015

Can you believe that in a couple of days time it will be December already? How has your year been? Are you excited and ready for 2016. I love this time of year, I love to reflect, to sort and clean my home for Christmas and to have a good break after a hard year's work. As it gets colder it seems to get more magical.  Before the autumn leaves disappeared we had a family photo shoot and we had so much fun! Daniel and Amy love to climb trees so we have several photos of them up in a tree or just hanging around like in the one below. They are such monkeys! Can you see the little bump on Lorah below?  She is PREGNANT so I am going to be a grandma in January! It is so exciting and I can't wait to meet my first granddaughter. Here is an amazing photo of Samuel, Lorah and the bump taken today.  Ooh I am so excited I could pop! 2016 has also given us two litters of kitten from our precious cats, Muffin and Poppy . It could be so easy to reflect on the struggles

Back to the start!

Hello King's Daughters, I feel like it's been quite some time, in fact well over a year perhaps even two, since I have written anything meaningful to you. I have tried but words haven't come.  Many posts have been fillers or conference news.  I don't know what happened to me, I seemed to have come from a place and having life figured out to now not having a clue, from having much wisdom and revelation to share to having nothing.  At first I gave myself some time to grieve to loss of our church, D7 Church.  We met for the final time on Sunday 30th March 2014. Failure is hard, loss is difficult but when you have failed and lost in the things of God it seems harder. You feel as if you have let God down. One thing that no one tells you when you pastor a church is that it too, just like a business, can fail. If the books don't balance and your income is less than your expenses, you can fail. If you don't have a committed team to keep up with the work you can fail

Spiritual Adultery - One Thing is Needed.

My Dream Recently I had a disturbing dream.  I tried to put it out of my head and forget about it but could not.  You see although it was not pleasant it did contain a powerful message.  I want to share this message with you today, I apologise in advance for the graphic nature of this dream but I honestly believe it is necessary.  In my dream I was in bed with another man getting ready to have sex.  I was fully aware that I was married to my husband and that this man had a wife.   As we were becoming intimate I had a strong sense that there were people in the house who were also fully aware of what this man and I were doing and also that it was acceptable to them.  I was also thinking of my husband but it seemed that he too was aware of what was happening and it didn't bother him, it was the norm.  As we had sex I felt violated because I knew it wasn't right but because no one was objecting and because it almost seemed to be expected of me, I allowed it to continue.


by Karin Whittaker The change of seasons is a necessary, even unavoidable truth in all life. So it is in our walk with God. In nature (creation) we see it as a constant reminder of our own need for seasons - the planting, whether deliberately or accidental - of seeds, the watering and feeding of young plants, growth, and more growth so as to fruit in time for harvest. Then slowing down of life, and, what looks like death, in the rest and restoration time of winter when the body that had been fruitful must become quiet and restful. It will need careful pruning. It will need to stop producing. So that, in order to fruit again, it restores its energies and strength for the new season. Can we liken this to our walk in faith? Yes, it is a very useful metaphor. We also need seasons to plant the Word of God, nourish it and see it grow, produce a harvest and after this, prepare ourselves for pruning. God will use others to help us along the way. We will be in situations where we realise w

The Daniel Fast

It's that time of year again, the beginning of a brand new season filled with exciting possibilities. Even though we all expect good things to happen sometimes bad things happen too :(  At times we can avoid these bad things by staying in line with God's pure and perfect will for our lives. Other times bad things must happen as a part of God's perfect will for our life. Either way, staying spiritually strong and connected to God is essential and one of the best ways to do that is to fast. Fasting not only makes our spirit stronger but it also cleanses our bodies. If you are interested to know more about every that fasting can do for you please read He Restores My Soul . Bondages, addictions and bad habits. He told them, "This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting." - Mark 9:29 In the verse above Jesus was answering the disciples question about why they were unable to cast out a particular demon that day. Jesus response was that the kind of demon tha

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas to all you beautiful King's Daughters and a very happy New Year! 2014 was a difficult and wonderful year for me.  I did struggle to write, as you may have noticed.  It may have been writers block, it may have been busyness or it may just have been a season to 'pen down' and have a break. It's been nearly six years since I started writing to you right here on this very blog and I have loved every minute of it. 2015 is already packed with a great deal and I am so excited about the journey, but I will write as often as possible and share the journey with you and hopefully encourage you too in your journey. Looking back to my very first blog post to you on 13/04/2009, I realise that my message hasn't changed one bit and neither has my passion for this message. As I read over the words and reflect on them I notice that I am pretty much still writing the same things just in different ways to various different audiences.  And so rather than write som

Depression is Not An Excuse

Continuing on from my previous post , I wanted to look into the other side of depression.  The side where people use it to be lazy or to do nothing for the kingdom.  Yes there is a time when you need to slow down or stop in order to recover and get well but there is no reason to throw your whole life away and write off your future.  Depression is not a lifestyle it is a season. It can be cured and it can be managed.  If you are newly depressed or burnt out you may need to stop what you are doing and have a season of rest. What did God tell Elijah to do when he was newly depressed? Let's read about it in 1 King's 19:4-8 "Elijah  went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” Then as he lay and slept under a broom tree, suddenly an angel touched him, and said to him, “Arise and eat.” Then he looked, and there by hi

Being YOU

Being YOU The most powerful thing that you have to offer the world is the authentic you.  You are indisputably original.   Understanding your value will unlock your potential and take you to places that you never dreamed possible. Are you tired of the same old, same old? Are you yearning for more out of life? Feel you can do so much better than you are? The great news is that the answer is not to be found in a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The answer is inside of YOU! Being You shows you exactly how you can begin your journey of self discovery and capitalise on your very own exclusive, unique brand – the authentic you! Get ready to turn your life around completely and live life the way you were meant to, simply by being you! Find out: How to discover the real you again – your passions, your talents, your purpose  How to capitalise on your own unique brand – you - at work and in business  How to use past failures as stepping stones to

My Centre, The Place Where I am Me

As you may  have noticed, I have been spending a lot of time in the business world this year.  God has called me and anointed me for business, as a minister in the business world, and it has been an incredible journey.  Since  preaching on this very subject  one year ago in our church, my whole life has changed.  I resisted God for about six months as I did not want to go back into the business world, the failure of my first company was a deep disappointment and I was convinced that I was not a business woman.  God saw things differently.  My resistance crumbled and He had His way - thank goodness! I have seen the most incredible things happen as a result and I know that God uses the foolish things to confound the wise . I always say to God that I am willing to be the foolish thing in his hand.  I am good at that - being nothing and allowing Him to be everything.  So as a result of all the wonderful and scary things that have happened this year, Women's Business Club was born.

Apology ❀ News ❀ Giveaway ❀ Coming Up

Apology Firstly, I want to apologise to all my faithful email followers for the lack of blogging these past few weeks.  Since starting this blog in 2009 I have never been too busy to blog but this past month or so has been the busiest I have been in my life!  However, the good news is that you will soon be getting much more and better quality blogging from me. News I also want to apologise for using my blog as a business website, it was out of necessity but now that will stop as we have created a brand new site for the business side of things called the Women's Business Club   - check out all the new sites here: www Website: Facebook: Twitter:   YouTube:   LinkedIn:   GooglePlus:   Pinterest:   Giveaway The great news is that over the past few

To the 'Little' Guys and Girls doing Crappy Jobs!

Great speech by Ashton Kutcher - I am so pleased he mentioned all the crappy, seemingly insignificant jobs that he has had and how each one was essential to getting him ahead.  Too many people want the fame and success but want to skip the crappy little jobs that get you there!   I wonder how many people out there are busy doing crappy jobs not realising that they are one step ahead of those just sitting and wishing for fame and success - here's to the 'little' guy who cleans the tables at MacDonald's and here's to the toilet cleaners at the gym and here's too all of you that are doing what is perceived as crappy jobs - may you succeed in whatever is in your heart to do.   I respect you and thank you for all that you do.  You are the true heroes.  To those that are sitting and wishing or scheming how to get a bank loan to start big, why not go out and find yourself a crappy job, something small, just to get the ball rolling, I am sure it will get you one step i

Emotional Gravity - Introduction

Do you feel a constant pull in your life but cannot explain what it is?  It is gravity on your physical body but there is also emotional gravity pulling on your soul!      Gravity is what keeps your feet on the ground.  It is a natural phenomenon and is essential to life here on planet earth.  Without gravity, chaos would result.  Every time you jump up, you experience gravity when it pulls you back down to the ground.  Imagine jumping up and then floating off uncontrollably!  We do need gravity.  Legend tells us that in the 1600s, an English physicist and mathematician was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell upon his head.  As he sat rubbing his head, he started to wonder why the apple fell to the ground in the first place.  The man was Isaac Newton and this apple story led to his Theory of Universal Gravitation.     I was sitting in the bathtub, crying my eyes out one dreary afternoon, watching my tears drop into the water.  As I pondered upon my melancholy I beg

Life Workshop

Join us for one day where we will workshop your life so that you will have a road map to become who you have always wanted to be and will do the things that you have always wanted to do! Life is short and you have wasted too much time already, don't put a price tag on the rest of your life. Stop waiting and change your life today. Areas Covered: Money - Take Control Relationships - Find Satisfaction Work - Find Purpose Spiritual - Be Complete (optional extra) Ticket: You ticket will entitle you to a full day Life Workshop, tea, coffee, lunch as well as one private follow up mentoring session after the event. £600   Book here You know all those things you've always wanted to do?   You should go DO THEM.  .........................................................................................................................

Emotional Gravity

Emotional Gravity What Goes Up Must Come Down Do you feel a constant pull in your life but cannot explain what it is? It is gravity on your physical body but there is also emotional gravity pulling on your soul! Coming soon to: | | Kindle Contents: Introduction     Do you feel a constant pull in your life but cannot explain what it is? Emotions     Gravity is the force that pulls all matter together Emotional Centre of Gravity     Centre of gravity is where all of the weight of an object is concentrated Emotional Tipping Point    The tipping point is the point where we lose our balance Emotional Fourth Dimension    The fourth dimension is a distortion in the shape of space-time Emotional Weightlessness    Weightlessness occurs in the absence of gravity Emotional Heaviness    Heaviness is too much pull on mass Emotional Intelligence    The intelligence of your emotions My Emotional Gravity   

Snow Day

We had a really fun day today playing in the snow so I thought I would share it with you. Have a wonderful weekend. xxx Lorah (who is usually behind the camera ), Angela, Daniel, Amy and Eric Us again trying to look cute! The gorgeous Samuel (my almost son-in-law, 8 weeks to go, eek) and Lorah Sam and Lorah looking as cute as ever Amy, Daniel and Snowy Dancing with Snowy

Keys for a Great 2013

As 2012  comes to a close I find myself pondering on what worked and what didn't so I can learn from my successes and failures for 2013.  There are two things that stand out very strongly.  These two things have also attracted abuse and criticism from some people and praise from others.  I, however, make no apologies for standing by what I believe to be not only be Biblical but also have been proved in my life.   Tithing This has been a key to our finances.  My husband and I don't have a fixed income but we do have fixed giving.  We give ten percent of all our income including gift money and all our earnings as a first fruit to God.  In additional to our ten percent we also give offerings of varying amounts as well as money to the poor when we can. Malachi 3:10-11 says, Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you