Right, now that the hardest part is over, and that was getting the first post written, taking the plunge and getting back into this blog, I begin the journey of reading through the last ten years of posts - 650 in total! My next post was a book review. This reminded me of much I used to love reading and how little I read these days. My business, Women's Business Club, has pretty much taken over my life and this is not a good thing. Part of getting back into my blog is to try and find me again, to find what I love outside of business and to take those parts of my life back. Reading is one of those areas that has been sorely neglected.
The book I reviewed was God Chicks by Holly Wagner. The highlight of this post is that Holly actually wrote to us and left us a comment which I treasure.
I might just really get into reading again so have bought Warrior Chicks too, I never did get around to reading that one so will do so now. As I placed my order on Amazon it occurred to me that part of what moulded me back in those days was who I followed online. They say that your life is influenced by the books you read and the people you spend time with. I would go one step further in this day and age and say that your life is also influenced by the people you follow online. So I am going to go back to my influencers of 10 years ago and sign up to their blogs too and see what there is to see! I used to love following Holly Furtick and Holly Wagner - ha ha just noticed that they are both Hollys. It seems Holly Furtick doesn't have a blog anymore but only an Instagram, how the world has changed so quickly.
OK, so where am I at now? I think I am burned out but still trying really hard to keep going. Deep down inside I know I need to stop and have a complete rest from everything but that is easier said than done. Today I spoke to someone for business advice and was told that I am more successful than I realise. This was really encouraging. At the same time, right now, as I write, I feel totally shattered and cannot find the strength to get through the days. Is success supposed to feel this bad?
So my journey begins, the journey of finding me again amidst the weight of success. Perhaps this post doesn't make sense but some of you will totally get how I feel. I would love to hear from you, where are you at in your life's journey, how do you feel right now? Perhaps you are in a new beginning and feeling fresh and alive or perhaps you have been hard at work for many years and feel totally wiped out or maybe you are somewhere in between. I would love to hear your story and how you are feeling right now so we can go on this journey together.
The book I reviewed was God Chicks by Holly Wagner. The highlight of this post is that Holly actually wrote to us and left us a comment which I treasure.
I might just really get into reading again so have bought Warrior Chicks too, I never did get around to reading that one so will do so now. As I placed my order on Amazon it occurred to me that part of what moulded me back in those days was who I followed online. They say that your life is influenced by the books you read and the people you spend time with. I would go one step further in this day and age and say that your life is also influenced by the people you follow online. So I am going to go back to my influencers of 10 years ago and sign up to their blogs too and see what there is to see! I used to love following Holly Furtick and Holly Wagner - ha ha just noticed that they are both Hollys. It seems Holly Furtick doesn't have a blog anymore but only an Instagram, how the world has changed so quickly.
OK, so where am I at now? I think I am burned out but still trying really hard to keep going. Deep down inside I know I need to stop and have a complete rest from everything but that is easier said than done. Today I spoke to someone for business advice and was told that I am more successful than I realise. This was really encouraging. At the same time, right now, as I write, I feel totally shattered and cannot find the strength to get through the days. Is success supposed to feel this bad?
So my journey begins, the journey of finding me again amidst the weight of success. Perhaps this post doesn't make sense but some of you will totally get how I feel. I would love to hear from you, where are you at in your life's journey, how do you feel right now? Perhaps you are in a new beginning and feeling fresh and alive or perhaps you have been hard at work for many years and feel totally wiped out or maybe you are somewhere in between. I would love to hear your story and how you are feeling right now so we can go on this journey together.
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