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Girl's Night - A Resolution to Champion Biblical Femininity

Oh my goodness tonight's discussion was heated! We didn't even get to some of the discussion questions as we were in very serious debate about this subject. It seems that there is a real aversion to the word feminism, submission and other words that are used to describe us as women. At Girl's Night we broke up into three groups and each discussion one of the sections below. By the end of the evening we had no conclusion or consensus about Biblical Femininity  but we all agreed on one thing - that we would go home and diligently seek God for a revelation of Biblical Femininity. Next month when we meet again we will share what we feel God has said to us and then if we all agree we will sign the resolution together.

You must be curious now about our discussion so let me get on with sharing an outline with you.


Pretty in Print?
This section took a look at how the pendulum make have swung a little too far over to the other extreme as a result of women fighting for their rights for years. It hits a tender chord of self worth where women have often confused their identity, gender and self worth. Have we gone too far?

Discussion questions:

  1. How have you seen feminist ideals affect women in the way they . . . dress? Act? Make decisions?  
  2. What are some of the most noticeable ways you see young women turning away from biblical womanhood? 
  3. What biblical principles of womanhood strike you as stifling or repressive? Why do you think you feel that way? 
  4. As you continue to read, offer your concerns about this issue to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to use this time to answer your concerns and reaffirm His priorities for you in this area.

It’s Good to Be a Girl
God created us in His image - both male and female. Women are worth neither less nor more than our male counterparts. We are different but only in function. Sadly since the beginning of time women have been subjugated and abused because they are women. Jesus demonstrated how to treat men and women equally! We women are important and necessary.

Discussion questions:

  1. Choose one of the many roles you currently play in your life, and record for each one how you are . . . good for it . . . necessary to it . . . an important component of it .. . worthy to be a part of it . . . trustworthy to fulfill your role in it. 
  2. In what situations and around which people do you find the biblical value of womanhood most challenged and questioned?
  3. How do you raise daughters to be ambitious, educated, and sure o themselves while at the same time help them appreciate the rewards and blessings of submission? How do you raise boys to view women with a similarly high regard? Discuss with friends some creative approaches.

Role Reversal
This section took a look at..... dare I say the word..... submission. We looked at the divine arrangement of roles, boundaries and responsibilities that are intended to exude blessings in all directions.

Discussion questions:

  1. In preparation for signing your second resolution, read this statement again: “A woman’s strength is best seen not in the demonstration of her power but in her ability to harness it under the authority of God-given leadership.” Consider it carefully and determine what it will look like when fleshed out in your own life. Make this resolution with confidence, knowing that you are choosing to align yourself under His all-wise plans. Enter with freedom and sign your name to signify your commitment.

You are welcome to join us at our Girl's Nights in Cheltenham or if you wish to set up your own group and study along with us where you are get a copy from Amazon and stay connected through and Facebook where we will post every study and chat in the comments boxes below each post.



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