King's Daughters Conference has made a step change! We have reached another level of quality and excellence and the reason for the massive change is because of our team. God has brought together exceptional women from different churches and backgrounds to build King's Daughters. We are all passionate about Jesus, passionate about King's Daughters and most importantly, passionate about you! Our prayers are for you not only for the day that you attend the conference but for every day leading up to it and after the conference, we will continue to pray for you. Enjoy our conference highlights below.
"God made us girls for extravagant, wild, imaginative, adventurous, fantastic loving!" The heart of a woman yearns for love, fantasises about romance and dreams of being someone’s princess. 21st century living has robbed us of that simple heart cry and Hollywood has fed us lies about romance. We need to fight for our passion & purity to take back the awesome adventure of living and loving without compromising our purity. Angela openly shares of how her search for passion ended up in adultery and how she managed to find a way back to purity. A must read for any woman who wants to be free to live and love with passion and purity. Available at: | | Kindle StudyGuide: | | More Info Contents: Introduction Robbed of Purity Searching for Passion Lies of Love Dating Games Rescued by the Prince Rebuilding My Soul ...
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