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Nature's Way - Moisturiser

A recent study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology has potentially linked the use of daily moisturizers with skin cancer. Allen Conney at Rutgers University found that skin cancer tumours increased up to 95% in high risk mice when treated four different daily moisturizers. It is frightening to think that our daily skin care regime could be causing cancer.
If you are not already discarding your shop bought beauty products and using Nature’s Way, seriously consider doing so right away.
Since using Nature’s Way cleansers and toners I have found that I don’t need a moisturiser.  Firstly, sticking to the rule of not washing my face in the morning has done wonders.  All the natural goodness that my skin produces over night is left on as a protective barrier during the day.  Secondly, I find I don’t need to moisturise because natural oils are produced as I sleep at night.  Having a good cleanser and toner is sufficient to keep the natural oil production of my skin balanced.  However, your skin might be different and you might feel that you need to use a moisturiser and the best thing to use is Olive Oil. 

Nature’s Way Alternatives
Although you can use Olive Oil as a cleanser that has moisturising benefits, you can also use it as a moisturiser.  It is filled with vitamins and natural goodness and is known to have healing properties too. Using Olive Oil doesn’t cause spots and if rubbed into your skin it will actually help maintain skins oil balance and prevent overproduction of sebum.  Using Olive Oil will also prevent water loss and restore that barriers that will renew, maintain and repair your skin.   

  • Healthy skin
  • Remove traces of dirt
  • Heals your skin
  • Save lots of money
  • No harmful chemicals

  • Never use too much Olive Oil on your face as it will look terrible – use in moderation for best results.


Ingredients: Olive Oil

Method: Rub a few drops of olive oil into your face and neck in the evening for added moisturising benefits.

More moisturiser recipes:
There are many other simple ways to moisturise your skin using natural ingredients, here are some examples:

Chickpea, Turmeric and Honey
Chickpea is a gentle skin exfoliater and honey moisturises.  Chickpeas help skin cells produce energy to fights free-radical damage that causes wrinkles.  Honey is also a natural anti-oxidant so it will help protect the skin from UV damage and aid in cell renewal.  Turmeric helps to reduce pigmentation on your face and even out your skin tone.  It can also greatly reduce the appearance of acne.  Chickpea, turmeric and honey have enough benefits between them to warrant an entire separate book so we will leave it at that for now.

  • Mix ½ teaspoon chickpea powder with a pinch of turmeric and honey.
  • Blend together with milk for dry skin or yogurt for oily skin.
  • Use your fingers to gently rub the Chickpea and Honey in a upward circling motion on your face.

Mix together 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of milk for an effective moisturiser.

Now it's your turn.
If you have any moisturiser tips that work well, please share them with us.  Find out more about Nature's Way here.


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