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Being a Woman - Who listens

We all listen to someone and believe what they say, who do you listen to and what do you believe?

Genesis 3:11
And He said, “Who told you that you were naked?

God asked Adam and Eve the same question! He asked them who spoke to them and told them a lie that they believed and acted upon. Nothing has changed since then. We still listen, believe and act. The process is not the problem but what we listen to is where the problem lies. If we want to become the woman that God wants us to become then we need to listen to what God wants us to listen to. There are only two options, either we listen to and believe the truth or we listen to and believe the lies. Our actions will be an outcome of what we listened to and who we are, our core identity, will be determined by what we listen to. Have you ever considered this? It’s a powerful concept isn’t it? 

The Bible says that you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. If we want to be free women we need to listen to the truth and choose not to believe the lies. Lies are easy to find, turn on your TV or flip through a magazine. Here the lies screamout at you that you need to buy things on credit or that you need to be a size 0 to be acceptable in this world. I wonder, if one day when we meet God face to face, he will ask us the same question he asked Adam and Eve, “Who told you that you were naked?” Or “Who told you that you were fat? Or “Who told you that you had to use credit to shop?” or “Who told you that you were unloved?” or “Who told you that you were unacceptable to Me?”

Who are you listening to? To be the woman that God intended you to be you have to listen to the truth. The truth can be found in the Bible and once you start to realise how amazing this truth is you will be blown away. For example, did you know that God finds you incredibly beautiful? Yes you! No this is not meant for some other reader, this is for YOU! This is what God says to you today;

“How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful!”

I didn’t make this up, it’s in the Bible Song of Solomon 1:15. He also says this to you;

“You're beautiful from head to toe, my dear love,
beautiful beyond compare, absolutely flawless.”

You can read about this truth in Song of Solomon 4 in The Message bible. God is crazy about YOU. And this is just the beginning, the Bible speaks of how he has made very special plans for your life and how much he wants to take care of your every need including the beautiful clothes that you want to wear . The Bible is an awesome love letter from God to you,  where He tells you every single truth that you need to know. It covers things like parenting, gardening, healthy eating, fashion, love, romance, career, beauty, friendships, history and so much more. If you love soap operas read about Sampson and Delilah, if you love romance read Song of Solomon, if you like action adventure read Joshua, if you like documentaries and statistics read Numbers and Leviticus, if you like comedy read about how God had to use a donkey to talk to someone and how Elijah had to walk around butt naked for three years to make a point to the Israelites. If you like thrillers read Revelations or if you like drama with happy endings read Job. You can even get all these Bible stories on DVD these days. 

Reading your Bible, watching Bible stories and listening to preaching is a really wonderful way of listening to the truth that God wants to tell you. What are you listening to? Consider what you watch and what you read, who your friends are and who you allow to influence you.

The Being a Woman book and worksheets are available here.


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