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2009 Lessons and Loves

2009 has been a toughie that's for sure! I think whatever could have been thrown at us has been and it has been very challenging. I could write a book on the lessons I have learned and the person I have become through it. I can honestly say that I do wholeheartedly agree with James when he wrote in the Bible that we should count it all joy when falling into various trials. It has been a joy - truly, I am not just saying that. It's almost like saying that labour and child birth is a joy. It's the same sort of thing, you don't deny the pain but the fruit far outweighs the bit of pain that you have to endure. I thank God for working all things together for good in my life and for the lessons he has taught me in 2009.

I also want to thank my beautiful family for being on this journey with me. Together we have faced giants, conquered battles and celebrated the victories. Together we have also cried, argued and driven each other quite crazy on some days. Never-the-less we did it together!  I am so grateful to God for my family - I know what we have is quite rare, in fact we are very special. Thank you my darling husband, Eric, for still loving me even though you have seen my at my worst - you are an incredible man and I respect you with every fiber of my being! Thank you Lorah-Kelly for being the reliable one in the family, when we are all losing it and acting like children you speak wisdom, sense and show us the mature way of doing things - you are an amazing young woman Lorah, if you keep walking on the path you are on you are going to do awesome things in this world. Thank you Jordan for your unconditional love and for being the fun one in the family. I often don't think I deserve the love you give me and I want you to know that I am very proud of you and love the young woman you are growing into. Don't EVER try to be like anyone else Jordan, you have such treasure inside of you and I look forward to watching you discover it over the next few years. Daniel and Amy can't read this yet but they are so very cute and make every single day of my life special just by being as cute as they are.

2010 is just around the corner, I can't guarantee that it is going to be easy but I am convinced it is going to be AWESOME. I am looking forward to all the adventures that God has planned for us and I look forward to being transformed from glory to glory! What did you learn in 2009 and what are you looking forward to in 2010?

Happy New Year



  1. If I wrote all I had learnt this year, there would be pages ha ha. One of the things God has been teaching me and its a continual thing, is to Honour.
    Sounds simple but is one of the hardest things to do.
    2009 was a very very hard year for us as a whole family in so many ways. However we are not sad but excited. We went through those things for a reason and through it all we have become much closer to each other and to God.

    In all things give thanks unto the Lord.

    I am also greatful for my wonderful family who no matter what are there for me. My truly amazing husband matt who has always been there throughout the 17yrs of our relationship.He really is a gift form God!Josh is the fun loving one and the one who if i need a hug or a chat, he is right there. He is growing into a wonderful young man.He is entering into the amazing things God is wanting for him. Thank you Jesus for him. Sam is the gentle child who is calming and sensible at such a small age but i see he is growing in all God has intended for him. He is just so darn cute <3
    Elisha is the strong one and i believe he too is growing in all God has for him. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family. Thank you so much God for blessing me in a way i never thought possible!!
    2010 is going to be fabulous. I am so excited to enter it with God as our Rock, our foundation.

  2. Well I totally agree that this year has been tough! But of course there have been good parts as well :)

    As I think we will all agree family has been the most important thing, we all stick together through the good times and the bad times, we've known each other through our best and worst and most importantly at the end of the end of the day - weather it was a good day or a bad day, we know that we will always have our loving family to come back to!

    I think that I would like to take this opportunity to thank one of the most amazing women of God in the world today! Someone who is always taking time to invest in the lives of others, who is forever building people up, who is never hesitant to take the time to thank people and point out their good qualities and never looks down on your bad ones! A women who would much rather help someone overcome their bad habits or mistakes rather than knock them down for it or use it against them in any way! A Woman who has changed my life so many times and has made me the person I am today - although she would never take any credit for it!

    This person would be my wonderful mother! I don't think that I could ever thank you enough or show just how much I appreciate all your love, kindness, patience, forgiveness and wisdom through all these years! You are such an amazing person! And I want to thank you for never giving up on me and for always encouraging me and challenging me and for never judging me on my mistakes but rather help me make things right and help me to become a better person!

    I could go on forever, but I would love it if she could hear how she has changed the lives of so many other people! SO please leave a comment :) I'm very sure she will appreciate you're kind words and will be encouraged in those times when you loose hope!

    I Love You Mommy!! <3


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