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Being a Mother - Who is Available

Mobile phones, computers, TV’s and so many other screens can give our children the impression that we are not available to them.  Talking to them while looking at a screen of some sort will only send the wrong message to our precious children.  They need eye contact.  They need tender touch.  They need our full, undivided attention. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.  - Deuteronomy 6:6-7 God instructed the Israelites to teach the commandments to their children when they were at home, when they away from their home, when they went to bed and when they woke up in the morning.  He was telling them to be available to their children morning, noon, and night!  How many of us spend that much time with our children?  More importantly, how many of spend that much time teaching our children Go

Fun April Fool's Press Release

Business Men in Women’s Clothes A local woman in business group has become so popular that business men are doing whatever it takes to find a way to sneak in. Eric De Souza, Director of Cheltenham School of Music , and international business man, Gerald Pattyn from Thomson Reuters were found dressing up to fit in. King’s Daughters founded their Women in Business division in January of this year and already their events are proving to be very popular. Angela, the founder of King’s Daughters says, “Each event guarantees business growth tools, great food, networking, fun, laughter and a serious brain storming session called the Wonderbra session. We have held nothing back to create the most exclusive business network in Gloucestershire.” Jane Forey-Amante of Think Mortgage Options said, “Brilliant lunch and a fantastic group of ladies, left feeling inspired.” Despite the photo being a bit of tongue in cheek April fool’s day fun, Eric De Souza who has actual

Nature's Way - Mascara

Mascara has been used as far back as the ancient Egyptian era. Dating from around 3400-30 B.C., Egyptians used bone and ivory to apply their mascara. The very first recorded mascara was a blend of kohl with crocodile dung, water and honey. The Egyptians produced mascaras in the form of pressed cakes and it wasn't until the sixties that mascara applicator brushes were introduced. Even with questionable ingredients, the lure of long, sexy eye lashes has always been found beautiful and irresistible.     Like all other chemical beauty products, mascara carries risks. Methylparaben, aluminum powder, ceteareth-20, butylparaben, or benzyl alcohol are often found in mascaras and some of these ingredients have been known to cause cancer in mice. Not all mascaras will be that dangerous but just the thought of putting those nasty chemicals that close to my eyes does make me worry a little.      Other disadvantages are that chemical mascaras can be drying to eyelashes. Waterproof

Being a Friend - Who is Humble

Humility is not a weakness, it is a strength. A weak person does not have what it takes to humble themselves, it truly requires great strength to put your pride in your pocket and make yourself appear lower. The dictionary defines humility as modesty or meekness and the antonym is arrogance. True humility however, isn’t lowering yourself for the sake of keeping up appearances, but it is to do so for the sake of serving others. If you are humble it doesn’t mean that you have a low opinion of yourself but rather than you choose to lower yourself. Humility in the Bible comes from the Greek word tapeinoo which means to depress; figuratively, to humiliate in condition or heart. Jesus used this word when He told us that whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven . You see, Jesus wasn’t telling us to behave like a child but rather that we should have the heart attitude of a child. That we should believe as easily as a child does. That we

Congratulations Samuel and Lorah Beard

Yesterday, 22nd March 2013, was one of the most amazing days of my entire life.  My beautiful, first born daughter, Lorah-Kelly, united forces with a wonderful man, Samuel Beard.  As individuals they were fantastic people but now, as one, I know that they will be even more powerful in love and life.   Above is another one of Charlie's stunning photos from Samauel and Lorah's engagement shoot .  Here are some phone camera photos to give you a glimpse into our day before the professional photos come back from CKB Photography .  Lorah ready to leave home and go to meet her man at the altar Toasting with Sameul and Lorah Congratulations Mr and Mrs Beard The beautiful wedding venue - Overfarm Barn There is so much more to say and lots more photos to come, I hope you have enjoyed a little sneak peak into a very special part of my life :) xxx

Being a Lover - For the First Time

Being a lover for the first time can be wonderful but it can also be terrible.  I have heard stories of people who have come back from honeymoon still virgins as they were unsuccessful in their love making.   I have also heard of women who called home in tears from their honeymoon as sex either hadn’t happened successfully or was too painful.  Sex for the first time can be very traumatic and the key to success is preparation.  I remember a time when I was at a friend’s wedding.  They had just exchanged their vows and rings and were about to exit the church building.  Looking at them I realised that although they had done all that was legally required to be married they were still not married. Their marriage had to be consummated.  This was the important part, the part that made them married.  It was a beautiful revelation to me at the time as I had not been a virgin bride and never had the pleasure of knowing such a precious moment.  The Bible speaks of this consummation as