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D7 Men - Real Men Still Exist

I am bowled over by the quality of the men we have in our church .  My wonderful husband, Eric, has been running D7 Men for two years and the results are astounding.  D7 Men are high calibre Godly men who have courage and strength.  They face every day challenges like any other man but they don't shrink back.  Together, they are overcoming addictions, bad habits and other life difficulties.  Accountability and the direct application of the Bible to their lives are the keys to their success.  D7 Men refuse to accept things the way they are.  D7 Men will be serving King's Daughters at our upcoming conference - girls you are in for a treat.  You will have the finest men in all of England tending to your every need.  They will make you feel like the princess that you are. And if that isn't enough, the super amazing D7 Men are putting their hands deep into their pockets and sponsoring some of the ladies who can't afford to attend the conference.  Isn't that in

Nature's Way - Moisturiser

A recent study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology has potentially linked the use of daily moisturizers with skin cancer. Allen Conney at Rutgers University found that skin cancer tumours increased up to 95% in high risk mice when treated four different daily moisturizers. It is frightening to think that our daily skin care regime could be causing cancer. If you are not already discarding your shop bought beauty products and using Nature’s Way, seriously consider doing so right away. Since using Nature’s Way cleansers and toners I have found that I don’t need a moisturiser.  Firstly, sticking to the rule of not washing my face in the morning has done wonders.  All the natural goodness that my skin produces over night is left on as a protective barrier during the day.  Secondly, I find I don’t need to moisturise because natural oils are produced as I sleep at night.  Having a good cleanser and toner is sufficient to keep the natural oil production

Book Reviews

Esther or Delilah? by Angela De Souza Esther or Delilah? is an honest look at how women use their beauty to seduce men! Whether you like it or not you are using your beauty for something, but are you using it to empower a man or are you using it in a way that leaves him powerless? Both Esther and Delilah were beautiful women in the Bible. Both women seduced the man in their life. One woman used her beauty to save her people; the other woman used her beauty to destroy her people. Today’s women are no different from Esther and Delilah. Which woman are you? Read more about Esther or Delilah? here or buy directly from , , or Kindle   ......................................................................................................................... Asleep in Heaven's Nursery by Tommy Mann  Tommy's book is a deep and powerful testimony of how he and his wife came to terms with some of life's most difficult ques

Being a Friend - Who Stands in the Gap

So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.  - Ezekiel 22:30 In ancient times, cities defences were its walls and if the walls had a gap the city would be in great danger.  The verse above speaks of a time when God’s people had left a huge gap in their morals and standards.  God wanted to show them mercy so looked for a man who would stand in the gap on behalf of the people but he found none.  As a result God was left with no choice but to pour out his wrath on them.  There are several times in the Bible when God was willing to withhold his wrath if just one person would step forward to stand in the gap.  Years have gone by but God hasn’t changed, He is still willing to listen to the one that is willing to stand in the gap. So how does this apply to us and our friendships?  To stand in the gap means that there is a gap in the first place and there are plenty gaps to

Abundant Life - No Pain, No Gain

“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”  -   Acts 14:22 Let us start with the pure, honest truth.  Did you pick up this book (or read this blog post) because you were looking for a quick fix to an easy life?  Do you think abundant life means ease and comfort?  If this is your way of thinking, you need either to throw this book in the bin or be willing to think very differently.   You see, the path to abundant life is uphill all the way. ‘No pain, no gain’ principles can be found throughout the Bible.  I have not managed to find one single abundant life key that is easy or without effort.  The first thing you will have to accept on your quest for abundant life is that it will take a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Thankfully, the blood is Jesus blood.     Jesus died to make an abundant life possible however; the sweat and tears will have to be our own.  It is quite simple really, if you want to have abundant finances, you have to save and invest.  The

Abundant Life

Abundant Life Living Life to the Full Why does the Bible say that we can have life abundantly and yet so many people are still struggling? Why does the Bible say that we don’t have to worry about money and yet most people still worry? How do we live the life that it Jesus wants us to live in this day and age? ABUNDANT LIFE highlights the valuable and timeless principles that lead to a life more abundantly. Available on: | | Fishpond | Kindle Best results when used alongside the Abundant Life Workbook . Contents: No Pain, No Gain Abundant Life Abundant Relationships    Abundant Time   Abundant Rest   Abundant Money   Abundant Fruit   Abundant Future Abundant Gifts Going Back to Move Forward Live to Die Study Notes: For small group or individual study, printable PDF notes and worksheets are available for your convenience.  Once you have purchased the PDF you are welcome to print off as many copies as you

Being a Friend - Who has Purpose

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:   - Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is nothing more exhilarating than being around a person who has discovered their purpose in life.  It’s as if they are oozing life and freedom.  Even on their difficult days you can still feel the energy flowing from the core of their being.  Everything in this life has a time, a season and a purpose.  Once we realise that and begin to discover the meaning of life we will unleash something truly beautiful from our life. The Apostle Paul says in Roman 8:28 that, “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  Would you like a life where everything worked together for good?  It is possible and all that is required is that we are called according to God’s purpose.  You see, a life with purpose is great but a life according to God’s purposes comes with a guarantee.  The guarantee is that nothing is wasted.