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King's Daughters Conference

Click for full size I am so excited to announce our upcoming King's Daughters Conference this September. It's a long way off I know, but I wanted to include you all in the planning  stages of this event.  Who would you like me to invite to speak?  What would you like to eat?  What excites you most about a conference like this?  I am planning some fun items too like a fashion show hopefully, some great musical items, perhaps a dance item and so much more.  Let's chat about it and make this the most amazing women's conference this side of England :) Keep an eye out here for updates.  xxx   

Being a Woman - Who is Free

"I can't do this, it's too hard!" "Well I am going to do it because I have decided that I can." "But it's too painful, surely I will die if I keep going!" "Nope, I will push through, I will run until that tree over there no matter what it takes." This was my conversation with myself one morning.  I had set a goal for where I was going to run to but half way there I wanted to quit, I was running out of breath and my legs were turning to jelly.  The goal was in sight though, near the end of a very long and very beautiful Cotswold country lane.  I decided not to quit! No matter how my body felt or how much moaning I was doing in my mind, I had to reach that tree.  So I ran without quitting.  Then it happened.  You always hear of it but I experienced it, I broke through the wall.  Now I am sure it wasn't anything like a real runner's breakthrough as I don't run very far at all, never-the-less, it was a breakthrough for me

Secure on the Rock at 15 Years Old

I am so proud of my amazing 15 year old daughter, Jordan!  Yesterday she preached for the first time, she shared her story of how her search for paternal love lead her to security in God's love.  She gave my book, Secure on the Rock , a good plug and then allowed me to preach a little bit too :)  It was such a special day where my wonderful daughter and I were able to tell others of the incredible love that God has for them.  Jordan did a great job and I am sure there will be many more sermons to come from her, have a listen here to Sunday's message. Secure on the Rock has been selling really well, if you haven't already got a copy you can still get one on Amazon or on my FaceBook Shop .

Secure on the Rock - Available NOW!

Finally the big day has arrived!  I am so excited that I could pop.  My new book, Secure on the Rock , is available now from and I would be extremely grateful if you would spread the word and most of all if you would leave a review on Amazon. Thank you to everyone for all you kinds words of encouragement and support.

Great News!

I am so excited! I could harly wait to get onto my computer and share this awesome news with you. Eric invited me to speak at our church today in anticipation of the launch of my book, Secure on the Rock.   You can pre-order it on for a reducded price and it is already availalbe for my USA friends on .  My talk consisted mostly of what you will read in the book with a few extra bits, you can have a listen to it here . The exciting news though, is that the girl that I mentioned in my post a few weeks ago accepted Jesus today. My hearted raced as I did the altar call at the end of my message and I nearly jumped for joy when I saw her hand go up! Thank you so much to everyone that has been praying for her and please keep praying for her in the weeks to come.

Giveaway - Nevertheless

This is one of my all time favourite books. Nevertheless is John Kirkby’s story of the adventure of starting Christians Against Poverty.  In 1996 John and Lizzie Kirkby set out on a faith adventure. John felt God call him to give up his successful career in the finance industry to do what he could to help the poor and needy in his home town of Bradford.  John did what he was best at and devised simple budgeting systems that allowed people to reduce their debt whilst living a decent life. In doing this John found that he could share the life transforming faith he himself had experienced some four years earlier, and people’s lives were changed before his very eyes.   Get a free copy of this book by leaving a comment about anything that has stretched your faith in the past.  If you would like to support the awesome work of CAP make a donation here or to find out more about how they can help you with your finances go here .

Secure on the Rock - My Redeemer

Being pieced back together Being rescued by my prince Jesus was amazing; it was the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me. I often remember that day, 1 September, with great fondness. My hero, reached down from heaven, and swept me off my feet, rescuing me from the evil clutches of sin and death. He did it with style and flair, with all the things I needed to make it really memorable. He didn’t need to do it that way I am sure He could have done it a million other ways, but He chose to make it memorable in a way that was special to me. Not only does my prince rescue but He also redeems. The word ‘redeem’ means to buy back, trade or exchange. My prince didn’t come down from heaven and steal me back to himself. No! He paid a high price for me. He exchanged His life for mine; He paid for my life with His. Not only did he redeem my life but He also redeemed the lost years from my past and He redeemed my entire future too. He bought back what I had thrown away to the pi