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Hope's Journey - Understand Hormones

I have had many horrible days or weeks which often leave me feeling like a ‘bad’ person. I have learned to understand these times as hormonal times! Before I understood this, I struggled really badly. Hurting someone could have been a real possibility! I screamed at the children and I drove my husband crazy. Not nice at all. Depression also hit me badly some of these times, and as a result of the hormonal depression, I got even more depressed. Condemnation was a huge factor for how I had behaved, which caused me to sink even deeper into depression. This nasty cycle left me completely exhausted. When I was in my twenties I cried out to God as I didn’t understanding why I was so up and down. Why some days I was this evil woman that was out of control. I clearly remember crying my eyes out as a new Christians feeling so guilty for being so bad. At the time I was doing a lot of reading and came across a book where they author mentioned her struggle too. This really encouraged m

WWC - Turn Off the Computer

I can't tell you how many times a week I complain that I have so little time to do anything!  At the same time I can tell you how many hours a week I spend on the computer.  Everything I do seems to revolve around the computer, I can't imagine not turning it on for a day.   I tacked the whole FaceBook Addiction thing a while ago but still there are so many other things I need to do that involve this little box sitting on my lap right now.  I have noticed too that the little details that I used to manage in our marriage have slipped away.  Neither Eric or I take time to set the table beautifully for a romantic dinner.  I don't make his favourite desert much and I know there are loads of other little details that I simply don't get around to any more. May I say, that if your husband comes home from work and is greeted by the back of your head, as you are busy on the computer - he is not pleased. There is not a man alive that wouldn't love to come home to a clean ho

What Do D7 Band And Bob Dylan Have In Common?

I was walking in town yesterday and spotted D7 Band's King's Square CD in the CD shop, so I did what anybody would do at such an exciting discovery -  I took a photo!  I got home and Eric put it on his blog right away.  Check out Eric's blog for the answer to the question... What Do D7 Band And Bob Dylan Have In Common?

Out Live Your Life

If you don't want to be challenged to the core and moved to action, DON'T read this book.  Rather go to Argos to pick up a catalogue and plan your Christmas shopping.  Seriously!  Even a person with the hardest heart imaginable will be moved to tears within minutes of reading  'Out Live Your Life'.  The first two and a half pages, before chapter one even begins, gave me goosebumps! The first chapter caused me to start the Human Trafficking section of my blog because I had no excuse not to. My selfishness has been challenged to the core and my excuses have been obliterated.  I don't know when last a read a book that has impacted me this much and so have decided not to tell you too much more about it, so that you will get a copy for yourself.  Thank you very much Thomas Nelson , for providing me with this book to review.

Princess Jordan

My lovely 15 year old daughter got right on the case the second I Blogged about Human Trafficking !  She created this gorgeous picture for her FaceBook page and challenged all her friends to do the same.  It's amazing what can be done if people pull together - we really can make a difference one small step at a time.  Have you done something creative too to support this cause?  Let us know about it in the comment box below.

Saturday Morning - What If?

It's Saturday morning and I am at my computer in my pyjamas, quite tired as I only got to bed around 2am, thinking that I really should write a blog post.  I have loads of future posts planned but none of them feel quite right for this morning.  Saturday is our family day, it is the one day a week where we just hang out together as a family.  No computers allowed so I usually post my Saturday blog post in advance or simply don't have one.  Today is slightly different because I need to let Eric have a lie in as he is not well at the moment, so I thought I would steal a moment to chat to you. OK I will come right out with it - something has been troubling me lately!  I am becoming very burdened with the state of families on the UK and the general state of the world.  Yes I know sounds silly.  Usually I ignore those feelings, I dismiss them instantly because they are too big and there is nothing I can do about it. I am doing the best I can with what God has given me to do and alr

Hope's Journey - Choose Your Friends

This is another sort of list really but it might be a bit weird if someone ever found it written down so perhaps memorise it! I have learned to understand that there are different types of people in my life; those that drain me and those that fill me, people who bring something to my life and people that take something from me and also people who divide or multiply in my life. I understand that I can't always avoid people that drain me, my job is to love everyone and my desire is to love everyone just as Jesus does. Equally I understand that life is seasonal and friends that bring something during this season might need to take things from me in the next season. Those are balanced friendships which are give and take. But there are other people that can be very draining ALL the time and intentionally take ALL the time. Over the years I have learned to limit my time with draining people and I have also learned to seek out people that fill me. Eric and I have one friend in parti