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Showing posts matching the search for Less is More

Being a Woman in Business - Who Leads by Example

Someone is always watching you. Whether you like it or not you are leading. The question though is whether or not you are leading people in a good way or in a bad way. It’s not what you say that counts as much as what you do and it’s not what you do in public that counts as much as what you do when you think no one is looking! Often it is the small things that we think are insignificant that are actually the things which have the most impact on people’s lives. The "Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy is nonsense. Even if you expect them to do as you say, they will find it very difficult not to do as you do. It is a double standard which will only cause people to be discouraged and feel insecure or betrayed. You are a leader. Full stop. If you are alive and breathing you are leading someone unless of course you are the Unabomber who lived alone in a remote cabin. I wonder who his leader was? Parenting is leadership, have a job is leadership and going to churc

Being a Woman - Who Dresses Modestly

I have recently been doing a series on wardrobe tips , to help us girls get the most out of our clothing.  It's had been a lot of fun looking into this and there is much more to come from both Anna and I and hopefully some other lovely ladies from the fashion world too.  The Wheelie Case has also been doing the rounds and we have been having loads of fun with that too.  Dressing up is fun and so is finding our personal style - we are girls and we love to play around with clothes and makeup. There is nothing wrong with feeling beautiful in your own skin and in the clothes you wear. What is not healthy though is when we get our identity from what we wear.  Clothes should not define us at all.   1 Timothy 2:9-10 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Braided hair, or gold or pearls ref

Being a Wife - Who Enjoys Sex

Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love.       This beautiful selection of words is from the Bible in Proverbs 5:18-19 which speaks of how a man should delight in his wife sexually. Sex was made for our pleasure. We are to delight in each other and to experience great pleasure. If your sex life is not achieving this then you need to take action. Don’t settle for less. Don’t believe that sex is simply one of your matrimonial duties, your wifely chores. God designed sex so that we can enjoy each other intimately. Sex is marriage. In my opinion your marriage certificate doesn’t make you married but the first time you have sex you become married. There is nothing else that makes a man and a woman married. Sex is the most important part of a marriage.  Have you ever heard of a couple getting divorced but saying that the sex was great

Being a Wife - Who Chooses Submission

I find the ' women being submissive to men ' thing very odd.  It seems a very human thing to try to put limits on what God can do and who He can do things through. Are we really saying that the presence of ovaries means that God won't use a particular person to do his bidding? God doesn't limit us, it seems wrong that we should seek to do it to one another. Am I wrong?” This was the opening statement in a conversation I had with a woman who was expressing her opinions about submission.  She had read my previous blog post about this subject and was troubled by it.  Our conversation progressed into what I perceive to be a conversation that most women would have these days.  “This is a common question and a concept that is often abused by men who don't understand it!” I said. She replied with valid points, “It's an interesting one, I agree. I was worried after writing that I'd appeared rude - I hope not! Anyway, I've discussed this at length with my

Being a Friend - Who is Humble

Humility is not a weakness, it is a strength. A weak person does not have what it takes to humble themselves, it truly requires great strength to put your pride in your pocket and make yourself appear lower. The dictionary defines humility as modesty or meekness and the antonym is arrogance. True humility however, isn’t lowering yourself for the sake of keeping up appearances, but it is to do so for the sake of serving others. If you are humble it doesn’t mean that you have a low opinion of yourself but rather than you choose to lower yourself. Humility in the Bible comes from the Greek word tapeinoo which means to depress; figuratively, to humiliate in condition or heart. Jesus used this word when He told us that whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven . You see, Jesus wasn’t telling us to behave like a child but rather that we should have the heart attitude of a child. That we should believe as easily as a child does. That we

Being a Lover - Who Understands

Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.  Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. - 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 The apostle Paul wrote these verses in Corinthian not as a commandment but as guidelines so that we could have a better understanding of our commitment to each as husband and wife.  Fully understanding what these verses mean could have a significant impact on our love life and help us to really enjoy our time together in this area.  Take time to understand the importance of giving your bodies to each other.       Before we get into what it is let’s first take a look at what this does not mean. 

He Restores My Soul - Stillness

“ He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul ”                                                           - David, Psalm 23:2-3 It was with great conviction, a few years ago, that I felt God calling me to still waters. He had called me so that I would know that He is God and so that He could restore my soul. Understanding the seasons in my life has been an essential key to my survival and to my joy in this life. I have found that many people love being called to busyness and to do things for God but few people love being called to the still seasons. Most people completely avoid God's call to be still. I have been guilty of this in past times but not on this occasion. Excitement filled me as I contemplated the beautiful green pastures that He would lead me to. The thought of rest and some time out actually thrilled me. Be still, and know that I am God;...          - Psalm 46:10 ...He leads me beside the still waters. 

Being a Wife - Who is Not Independent II

"I spent most of my life doing the Serenity prayer backwards, that is, trying to change the external things over which I had no control - other people and life events mostly - and taking no responsibility (except shaming and blaming myself) for my own internal process - over which I can have some degree of control. Having some control is not a bad thing; trying to control something or somebody over which I have no control is what is dysfunctional."  - From Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney It is one thing realising that you lean towards co-dependency or independency, but it is another thing entirely realising that you live with one or the other too. I believe that we are meant to love people and leave the changing up to God, and that includes our husbands. We are, however, called to bring out the best in our husband by building him up with our words and actions. Realising that we live with either a co-dependent or an independent is an opportunit

Being a Woman - Who is Beautiful

In the end, all that we truly want is to be found beautiful! This is the one question we are all asking, “Am I beautiful?” We ask it from our father when we are little and we ask it from our boyfriend or husband later on in life. When we are out with our girl friends we need to know that we look beautiful and when we go to work we are asking the same question too. It’s OK to ask this question, God made us that way. The problem today though is that this question leads to another question, which is, “How can I be more beautiful?” This question leads us down all the wrong paths and gets us into all sorts of bad situations. When we don’t feel beautiful we feel incomplete and so we look for ways to fill that void. We try new clothes, we experiment with hair and make-up and some women even get their natural features altered or enhanced. All in the quest for beauty. Sadly some girls will do anything to feel beautiful and that includes doing things for men to gain their approval or

Being a Friend - Who is Wise

Walking with wise people will make you wise.  This is what Proverbs 13:12 says and it goes on to say that the companion of fools will be destroyed.  This is a very powerful concept that is so simple and is often overlooked.  Another way to put it is: show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.  The first step towards wisdom is to take a look at who you are walking with.  Are you a part of a companion of fools or are you in a circle of wise people?  Before we attempt to offer wisdom to our friends we need to make sure that we have wisdom to offer, you cannot give what you don’t have.  The last thing our friends need is for us to be one of the many fools that lead to their destruction.  Determine to work on being a wise woman not only for yourself but so that you have something to offer your friends.  Take full responsibility for who you are becoming, don’t leave it to chance and wait to see if you turn out to be wise or a fool. Being a good friend means being a wise friend

Nature's Way - Masks

There are so many weird and wonderful things that you can use to make a facial mask.  My daughters and I have had loads of fun with natural masks and also had great results.  Many chemical masks have frighteningly high risks so soaking your face with them is not a good idea.  Most masks contain dangerous substances and block your pores.  It is important to allow your skin to breathe and adding too many products can have an adverse effect.  Less is more when it comes to your skin so find a beauty regime that allows your skin to find a natural balance.  Most of the time what you put into your body has more effect that what you put onto your skin.  Eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well and drinking lots of water are the most important ingredients for the best looking skin.   After that comes a simple cleanse, tone and moisturise routine with natural ingredients.  If necessary, use a Nature’s Way mask from time to time.  The following table shows the health concerns based on c