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With Jesus I have Enough

#iwd2021 #choosetochallenge

As I sit here pondering on all I need to do to build this amazing business I'm building I am acutely aware that 24 hours in a day is not enough, in fact, one lifetime is simply not enough to pull this off! I am deeply passionate about what I do and equally fearful that I can't do what I want to do. 

Then I'm reminded of the story of the 5 loaves and 2 fish from Matthew 14:13-21. It wasn't enough. The disciples couldn't not feed the hungry multitudes with these few pieces of food. They even calculated that they would need at least 8 month's wages if they were to pop into town to buy food. The lack baffled them. I can just see them scratching their heads and looking at Jesus when he said, 

“They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

“We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

“Bring them here to me,” he said.

And the rest, as we know is history, miraculous history. Jesus took the not enough, gave thanks and broke it. Somewhere in the breaking of the bread became enough, in fact, it became more than enough, because there were 12 baskets of leftovers.

My encouragement for you today is to understand that the breaking is essential to the multiplication. If you feel broken. If you feel like your life is being ripped to piece. If you feel like everything is coming apart, put on some happy music and dance around like never before, because you are heading to a more than enough place. You are in the multiplication process. What you're about to see is more than you can ever have asked for or imagined!

My prayer for you and I today is that we will remember to take our not enough and bring it to Him. In His hands, it will be enough. 

Lord, I place my 24 hours in your hands today, in faith, knowing that it's not enough to do what I need to do in one lifetime, but in your hands, it's more than enough.

Now you, you pray you're not enough into His hands and see what He will do. I would love to hear what He does, please leave me a comment below so we can celebrate together.

Just remember, it could take time, multiplication is not always instant and there were instructions give that day, perhaps these instructions apply to you too.

  1. "He directed the people to sit down on the grass." Are you very busy running around or is your mind constantly racing? Perhaps you need to sit down on the grass, in fact Mark even calls it the green grass, ring any bells? Take a moment to sit down, listen to what he has to say to you.

  2. "He broke the loaves." Are you willing to allow Jesus to break something in your life, break it into little pieces? Surrender that which you are holding onto and allow Him to break it.
Watch this space, I am expecting my miracle with my not enough 24 hours in His hands, what have you placed in His hands? Let's pray for each other and believe in what God can do.


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