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Hello King's Daughters, I feel like it's been quite some time, in fact well over a year perhaps even two, since I have written anything meaningful to you. I have tried but words haven't come.  Many posts have been fillers or conference news.  I don't know what happened to me, I seemed to have come from a place and having life figured out to now not having a clue, from having much wisdom and revelation to share to having nothing.  At first I gave myself some time to grieve to loss of our church, D7 Church.  We met for the final time on Sunday 30th March 2014. Failure is hard, loss is difficult but when you have failed and lost in the things of God it seems harder. You feel as if you have let God down. One thing that no one tells you when you pastor a church is that it too, just like a business, can fail. If the books don't balance and your income is less than your expenses, you can fail. If you don't have a committed team to keep up with the work you can fail

Spiritual Adultery - One Thing is Needed.

My Dream Recently I had a disturbing dream.  I tried to put it out of my head and forget about it but could not.  You see although it was not pleasant it did contain a powerful message.  I want to share this message with you today, I apologise in advance for the graphic nature of this dream but I honestly believe it is necessary.  In my dream I was in bed with another man getting ready to have sex.  I was fully aware that I was married to my husband and that this man had a wife.   As we were becoming intimate I had a strong sense that there were people in the house who were also fully aware of what this man and I were doing and also that it was acceptable to them.  I was also thinking of my husband but it seemed that he too was aware of what was happening and it didn't bother him, it was the norm.  As we had sex I felt violated because I knew it wasn't right but because no one was objecting and because it almost seemed to be expected of me, I allowed it to continue.


King's Daughters Conference 2015 Summary The day plan is finalised and in a nutshell we will enjoy a line up of incredible  worship  by our band that have been practicing all year!  Powerful  preaching  by our usual team of ladies who I trust and can wholeheartedly recommend to you.  Dance  by Cirencester Dance Academy who wow us every year.  Choir  performance by Wyedean Gospel Choir who will be with us for the first time this year - very exciting. Our very own  April Shipton  will be  singing  for us while we enjoy our lovely lunch.   Business  stands so you can enjoy a little shopping from our Christian business women. We have planned a full day just for you - the King's daughter! See the full programme here Set list  For your convenience and worship pleasure we would like you to know the set list for this year's conference so you can come prepared to enter into God's presence without having to learn a bunch of new songs.  The 2015 #HeLovesMe set list is

Tracey's Struggle with OCD.

Ladies, I have decided to share an email with you that came through this week from a lovely lady, Tracey, who is struggling so much and needs us King's Daughters to support her. Her name has been changed to protect her identity and I share this with her permission. Please pray with me for her freedom and if you have anything to share please leave a comment for her in the box below. I have found over the years that the most difficult struggles are the ones we carry alone but it is in this isolation that the devil has his victory. Let's all come out with what we are going through and support each other so that we can be free indeed as we are promised in John 8:36. Here is the email: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Tracey. I am 23 years old. I'm a Christian. I am going through a tough time as of late and your message on the King's Daughters YouTube about loving yourself really hit home because I don't love myself. I am fat and I feel useless! I just do

A Plea for Equality: Creatively Responding to Today's Aggressive Rejection of Faith

Have you ever felt that your whole society has a warped view of you? "You're entitled to your own opinions and beliefs." "It's a free country." "You have a right to free speech." They're phrases we hear all the time, and when it comes to opinions and lifestyles that are different to ours, we know the right thing to do is to be accepting and understanding of them. But as a Christian in an increasingly hostile world, where online conversations allow for instant, anonymous bullying with no identifiable consequences, what was once called 'free speech' has become what feels like a systematic battering of religion. In almost any secular situation, I find that I'm allowed to speak my opinion - just as long as it's also the opinion of the  secular majority.  In the online community especially, it has become extremely unpopular to believe in the existence of a god. Even more so the possibility of creation. Here's