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Abundant Life - No Pain, No Gain

“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”  -   Acts 14:22 Let us start with the pure, honest truth.  Did you pick up this book (or read this blog post) because you were looking for a quick fix to an easy life?  Do you think abundant life means ease and comfort?  If this is your way of thinking, you need either to throw this book in the bin or be willing to think very differently.   You see, the path to abundant life is uphill all the way. ‘No pain, no gain’ principles can be found throughout the Bible.  I have not managed to find one single abundant life key that is easy or without effort.  The first thing you will have to accept on your quest for abundant life is that it will take a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Thankfully, the blood is Jesus blood.     Jesus died to make an abundant life possible however; the sweat and tears will have to be our own.  It is quite simple really, if you want to have abundant finances, you have to save and invest.  The

Abundant Life

Abundant Life Living Life to the Full Why does the Bible say that we can have life abundantly and yet so many people are still struggling? Why does the Bible say that we don’t have to worry about money and yet most people still worry? How do we live the life that it Jesus wants us to live in this day and age? ABUNDANT LIFE highlights the valuable and timeless principles that lead to a life more abundantly. Available on: | | Fishpond | Kindle Best results when used alongside the Abundant Life Workbook . Contents: No Pain, No Gain Abundant Life Abundant Relationships    Abundant Time   Abundant Rest   Abundant Money   Abundant Fruit   Abundant Future Abundant Gifts Going Back to Move Forward Live to Die Study Notes: For small group or individual study, printable PDF notes and worksheets are available for your convenience.  Once you have purchased the PDF you are welcome to print off as many copies as you

Being a Friend - Who has Purpose

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:   - Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is nothing more exhilarating than being around a person who has discovered their purpose in life.  It’s as if they are oozing life and freedom.  Even on their difficult days you can still feel the energy flowing from the core of their being.  Everything in this life has a time, a season and a purpose.  Once we realise that and begin to discover the meaning of life we will unleash something truly beautiful from our life. The Apostle Paul says in Roman 8:28 that, “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  Would you like a life where everything worked together for good?  It is possible and all that is required is that we are called according to God’s purpose.  You see, a life with purpose is great but a life according to God’s purposes comes with a guarantee.  The guarantee is that nothing is wasted.

Conference Update

We only have 43 days to go until our super exciting King's Daughters Conference .   The line up is incredible:   We have high class catering to thrill your taste buds Live music and dance with worship where we will be touching heaven  Life changing messages from various speakers A fun filled children's program for your little ones Women in Business area and talk Professional photographers to capture you enjoying your day  Mini manicures just for fun and many more little treats to make your day special All this in the beautiful setting of the historic Pittville Pump Rooms that is framed by the breathtaking park that surrounds our venue.  What more could you possibly need for a lovely girly day out that will not only refresh you but has the potential to utterly change your life?

Guard Your Heart

The past week has been challenging!  I feel like the devil has been doing his best work to discourage me.  I guess it is his job to steal, kill and destroy and he seems to take his job very seriously too!  The King's Daughters Conference is only 45 days away and all hell has broken loose in my little world.  From past experience I have learnt that the bigger the attack the bigger the fruit and I am convinced that this year's conference is going to be bearing some pretty big fruit.  My prayer is that you are one of the blessed recipients of what God has planned for this event and that there will be much fruit in your life.  This past Sunday I preached about the importance of guarding our hearts and I used one of my struggles as an illustration.  I hope that my words are an encouragement to you as you face opposition in what God has called you to do.  Listen to the message here and then remind yourself not to worry , just as I had to :) xxx

Nature's Way - Do Not Worry

Your body is designed to self heal. Every single cell in our body can repair itself if our immune system is functioning well. Even damaged hair and spotty skin should be able to heal automatically. Our body is an amazing and intricate design that should function absolutely perfectly. Sadly this is not the case for most people as we neglect our bodies and damage its natural ability to repair itself. We poison our system with chemicals and we poison our mind with worry.     Yes, worry and a healthy body is connected. Research by Dr Bruce Lipton PhD suggests that ‘95% of illness is caused by stress’. It has also been proven that stress can cause or worsen acne. A study was conducted in 2002 by the Stanford University School of Medicine involving 22 students suffering from acne. Their findings indicated that "Subjects who had the greatest increases in stress during examination periods also had the greatest exacerbation in acne severity."      Brittle, peeling

World Wide News #3

An exciting look at what can happen when a woman places her ordinary life into the hands of an extraordinary God!   " Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. " - Ephesians 3:20-21 ........................................................................................................................   King's Daughters Uganda  On 7th July King's Daughters Uganda had a very successful outreach meeting with the young girls at a Gaba Parents High School. Here is Caroline's feedback: " I was accompanied by 5 women who helped me to carryout the outreach and as a result 2 girls gave their lives to Christ. One of them is a Muslim. We talked about the LOVE of Christ and love for one another and to my amazement one girl said she had a misunderstanding with her friend but th