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Showing posts with the label King's Daughters Conference

8 Weeks to Go!

I am so excited, it's only 8 weeks until the King's Daughters Conference ! Preparations are well underway and we have some fantastic surprises lined up for you.  This day is not to be missed and we have a strict number limit from the venue, so please don't wait until the last minute to get your ticket as you may miss out.  For the next few weeks I am going to offer an early bird rate to subscribers of this blog - offer ends at midnight on 31st July. Full Price £35.00 Early Bird Special £32.00

Conference Payment Plan

Hi lovely ladies, I am so excited about our upcoming King's Daughters Conference and I don't want anyone missing out!  So to make things easier I have come up with a weekly payment plan for you which is only £2 per week! It's easy to get started, simply book your ticket today for £3 and then pay £2 instalments for the next 16 weeks.  You ticket will be paid in full in time for the conference and you can collect you ticket at the conference doors on the 10th September.  So don't wait, get started today here. Have a fantastic day! Love Angela xxx Ticket Booking £3.00 Weekly Payment £2.00

Girls Night Out

Last night we had our King's Daughters Girl's Night with our new friend, Wanja, at her stunning African Experience restaurant in Gloucester.  Where do I begin, it was such an awesome experience.  Let's start with the food.  Usually I don't like to eat in restaurants because of all the preservatives and nasty things that are added.  I also don't like all the oils and sugars that are used so I tend to eat at home mostly.  BUT   Wanja cooks with fresh, natural ingredients and she avoids using lots of oils and sugars.  Her food tasted just like home cooked food which was fantastic. After the meal at C & W's African Experience you are left feeling full for the entire evening because the meal is so wholesome.  We really enjoyed our meal and we will definitely be having more Girl's Night there again. AND to add to the experience, Wanja joined us after dinner and shared her story with us.  Not only did we leave with a full tummy but a full spirit too!  Her

Giveaway - Note Set

I am so excited about this month's giveaway as the person who gets it will be the first person in the world to possess this beautiful King's Daughters note set! Even I don't have this gorgeous set yet.  So here's the deal, if you are the first person to buy your conference ticket here using the reference 'giveaway' I will send this beautiful notebook and pen set to you along with your conference ticket. If you miss out don't worry they will be available at the conference and on the conference website .

Becoming You

I would like to introduce one of our King's Daughters Conference speakers to you - she is so lovely, you are just going to love hearing from her!  Her name is Anna and she writes (and speaks) about the stuff that is important to us women in her book "Becoming You". Most of us want to find some reason for being alive. "Becoming You" considers what would happen if we went to God for the answer. What it would mean if God was the someone who had created us, that he did so with a purpose, and that we could find out what that purpose was from him. Part book, part workbook, Anna shares her experiences of seeking God to find out who she was made to be and what her life is for. Like a makeover, it opens with the 'before', as the reader considers the way that she sees herself and ends with the 'after' as she looks at her real self - the woman she is becoming. Ideal for any woman searching for the meaning of life, "Becoming You" looks at the ways

Beauty - The Theme

The theme of the King's Daughters Conference 2011 is BEAUTY! Did you know that only 2% of women think that they are beautiful. Watch this video and see why most of us feel like we no longer measure up to the worlds standards of beauty!  This year's conference is going to focus on how we as King's Daughters can KNOW that we truly are beautiful - inside and out.  We were made in the image of God to reflect His beauty. I have so much more exciting news to follow soon. xxx

King's Daughters Conference

Click for full size I am so excited to announce our upcoming King's Daughters Conference this September. It's a long way off I know, but I wanted to include you all in the planning  stages of this event.  Who would you like me to invite to speak?  What would you like to eat?  What excites you most about a conference like this?  I am planning some fun items too like a fashion show hopefully, some great musical items, perhaps a dance item and so much more.  Let's chat about it and make this the most amazing women's conference this side of England :) Keep an eye out here for updates.  xxx