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King's Daughters Conference 2015 #HeLovesMe

King's Daughters Conference has made a step change! We have reached another level in quality and excellence and the reason for the massive change is because of our team.  God has brought together exceptional women from different churches and backgrounds to build King's Daughters.  We are all passionate about Jesus, passionate about King's Daughters and most importantly, passionate about you! Our prayers are for you not only for the day that you attend the conference but for every day leading up to it and after the conference we will continue to pray for you. Our Vision : To inspire women to discover who they were born to be - daughters of the King. Our Mission : We are a team of passionate, vibrant women from different churches and backgrounds, serving local churches and bringing unity to the body of Christ through our ministry empowering women to discover who they were born to be. We are real women with real experiences of Jesus in our lives, offering refreshing e

The Daniel Fast

It's that time of year again, the beginning of a brand new season filled with exciting possibilities. Even though we all expect good things to happen sometimes bad things happen too :(  At times we can avoid these bad things by staying in line with God's pure and perfect will for our lives. Other times bad things must happen as a part of God's perfect will for our life. Either way, staying spiritually strong and connected to God is essential and one of the best ways to do that is to fast. Fasting not only makes our spirit stronger but it also cleanses our bodies. If you are interested to know more about every that fasting can do for you please read He Restores My Soul . Bondages, addictions and bad habits. He told them, "This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting." - Mark 9:29 In the verse above Jesus was answering the disciples question about why they were unable to cast out a particular demon that day. Jesus response was that the kind of demon tha