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Showing posts from March, 2021

A Relationship Is Not a Destination But a Journey.

Relationships of any kind can be incredibly rewarding and equally challenging. One thing that really robs us of good relationships is unrealistic expectations, especially those that we have absorbed from the movies!  We watch beautiful romantic stories at the cinema and hope for something similar or watch a sitcom like Friends and wish we could have such fun friendship circles. But truth be told, the relationships both personal and professional that we see on our screens are for entertainment purposes and shouldn't build our definition and expectation of the relationships that we hope to have in real life.  Our society is very much accustomed to getting things quickly and instantly these days. 3-minute microwave meals, instant text messaging and an entire life story in a 90-minute movie. I can't help but wonder if we expect our relationships to be perfect instantly and when they are not we give up and move onto the next one. A relationship is not a destination but a journey. W...