Continuing on from my previous post on depression, let's take a look at happiness. Not that depression is the absence of happiness but it is difficult to be happy while suffering with depression. Some people can just be happy - I envy them. Other people, like myself, have to make an effort to be happy. Don't get me wrong, I have happy days that just come and it's wonderful. It's those other days, the days when I have to work at it that are a bit more difficult. You see, I believe happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy but it does require some effort on our part. I have days when even getting out of bed is difficult. Being self employed makes it even more difficult as I have no one to answer to but myself. Sometimes I just stay in bed and work on my laptop - that way I still get some work done without having to find the strength to get up. Other days I have to force myself to get up and have to find a reason to get up. I am not lazy I just struggle
Inspiring women to be who they really are - daughters of the King!