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Ethical Fashion

Hi girls, I’m back for another guest wardrobe tips blog and this time I wanted to highlight a subject that I think is very important to us as King’s daughters: ‘ethical fashion’. When I say to you… “I don’t want people to suffer or die to produce clothes for me to wear” …perhaps it sounds like I’m just trying to shock you and get your attention. But the awful thing is that although we don’t know it, that’s exactly what we’re responsible for when we buy a lot of the clothes that are for sale today. The reality is that much of what we wear is made by women in ‘sweat shops’. This means they work in unsafe conditions with no proper toilet facilites in oppressive temperatures. They are often sexually assaulted, forced to have abortions and take contraceptives and abused and threatened by managers. They work for long hours, get low pay (not enough for proper food), are not allowed to join a union or any organisation that would represent their interests, have no career development an

Being a Woman - Who Dresses Modestly

I have recently been doing a series on wardrobe tips , to help us girls get the most out of our clothing.  It's had been a lot of fun looking into this and there is much more to come from both Anna and I and hopefully some other lovely ladies from the fashion world too.  The Wheelie Case has also been doing the rounds and we have been having loads of fun with that too.  Dressing up is fun and so is finding our personal style - we are girls and we love to play around with clothes and makeup. There is nothing wrong with feeling beautiful in your own skin and in the clothes you wear. What is not healthy though is when we get our identity from what we wear.  Clothes should not define us at all.   1 Timothy 2:9-10 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Braided hair, or gold or pearls ref

Free from Shame

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. This is how it was in the beginning. People walked with God, in a beautiful garden, totally naked! Although it was clearly a physical nakedness I also believe it was a nakedness of heart. They had nothing to hide from God, absolutely nothing at all. Shame was something that they had NEVER known! Can you imagine that - never, ever having known shame? We carry all sorts of shame. Most woman are ashamed of some of their physical features, most women are ashamed of bad things they have done and most woman are ashamed of who they have not become! Shame is a big part of modern living, isn’t it? So let’s get to the bottom of this so that we can live a life that is free from shame. Let’s get back to walking carefree with God in this garden we call Earth.  Since we are on a gardening theme, let’s use some gardening principles. If you want to get rid of a bothersome plant or tree, you have to dig it up by the root

How to Find Your Personal Style

Hi girls, Angela has asked me to do a guest blog of wardrobe tips ahead of King’s Daughters Conference 2011 . The plan for the day sounds so amazing I can’t wait to meet you all and I’m looking forward to talking about ‘ On Beauty, Body And Clothes ’. The work I do is all based around introducing girls and women to Jesus, to His unconditional love and all He has done for us. Among other things, that has included me dealing with subjects like beauty and clothes because they are connected to the way we feel about ourselves which has everything to do with us knowing Jesus. But more about that at the conference…! In the mean time, I wanted to tell you a little bit about the session I will be running during the dinner break: HOW TO FIND YOUR PERSONAL STYLE . I believe that because we are all unique, each of us has an individual style – our own taste and way of putting clothes and accessories together. I don’t believe that any one person’s style is better that another person’s. I

Being a Woman - Who Does Not Conform

I was shocked at how it made me feel! I went from being a perfectly content brunette to wanting to be a blond! Within five minutes I went from feeling good about myself to feeling completely dissatisfied with my physical appearance. I couldn’t believe what an affect it had on me and if that is how it affected me, someone who is quite OK with my physical appearance, then how much more would it have affected an insecure person!  That is effective advertising and marketing for you. It’s a multi-billion pound industry dedicated to making you feel bad about yourself so that you buy their products or services. Have you ever read a magazine and felt better as a person or encouraged about who you are? Have you ever watched a movie or advert and felt better about your life! I doubt it very much. You see advertising and marketing strategy is to get us to conform. They make us believe that we are not happy without ourselves and our life and so we must conform to what they say is acceptab

Hillsong Conference

Last night we took a group of 14 people to Hillsong Conference in London.  It's was such a lifechanging experience for all of us. We spent several hours in traffic in the mini bus, ate loads of cheese rolls and fought over which radio station to listen to but it was all worth the short time we got to spend in the conference.   Priscilla Shirer was the speaker for the evening and her message was truly amazing.  She unashamedly told us how nothing matters except Jesus and the most important thing that we can do with our life is to point people to Him.  Although we had a long drive home and only got to sleep at 3am, I woke up refreshed in my spirit, knowing what we have to do at D7 Church .  Yes we have been a church that passionately and desperately seeks Jesus, but it's time for more.  The people of Gloucester don't need Eric or I or anyone else on team, they need Jesus.  They need His healing power, they need His word for their addictions, they need His presences that

Being a Woman - With Endurance

Endurance is perhaps not a word you would like to hear. It implies hard work, doesn't it? According to the dictionary, endurance means the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear. It also means the ability or strength to continue despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions. Do you feel a little worn out, fatigued, stressed or are you facing adverse conditions? Do you feel that you can’t withstand them for much longer? The Bible tells us that we need endurance! I couldn’t find a verse for us that said that once we became a Christian we would have an easy life. My search also didn’t lead me to a verse that said that we can try for a little while and then give up. What I did fine, however, was some really tough guidance! Hebrews 10:36 For you have need of endurance , so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. Romans 5:3-4 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance , and