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Showing posts with the label Relationships

Being a Friend - Who is Humble

Humility is not a weakness, it is a strength. A weak person does not have what it takes to humble themselves, it truly requires great strength to put your pride in your pocket and make yourself appear lower. The dictionary defines humility as modesty or meekness and the antonym is arrogance. True humility however, isn’t lowering yourself for the sake of keeping up appearances, but it is to do so for the sake of serving others. If you are humble it doesn’t mean that you have a low opinion of yourself but rather than you choose to lower yourself. Humility in the Bible comes from the Greek word tapeinoo which means to depress; figuratively, to humiliate in condition or heart. Jesus used this word when He told us that whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven . You see, Jesus wasn’t telling us to behave like a child but rather that we should have the heart attitude of a child. That we should believe as easily as a child does. That we

Congratulations Samuel and Lorah Beard

Yesterday, 22nd March 2013, was one of the most amazing days of my entire life.  My beautiful, first born daughter, Lorah-Kelly, united forces with a wonderful man, Samuel Beard.  As individuals they were fantastic people but now, as one, I know that they will be even more powerful in love and life.   Above is another one of Charlie's stunning photos from Samauel and Lorah's engagement shoot .  Here are some phone camera photos to give you a glimpse into our day before the professional photos come back from CKB Photography .  Lorah ready to leave home and go to meet her man at the altar Toasting with Sameul and Lorah Congratulations Mr and Mrs Beard The beautiful wedding venue - Overfarm Barn There is so much more to say and lots more photos to come, I hope you have enjoyed a little sneak peak into a very special part of my life :) xxx

Being a Lover - For the First Time

Being a lover for the first time can be wonderful but it can also be terrible.  I have heard stories of people who have come back from honeymoon still virgins as they were unsuccessful in their love making.   I have also heard of women who called home in tears from their honeymoon as sex either hadn’t happened successfully or was too painful.  Sex for the first time can be very traumatic and the key to success is preparation.  I remember a time when I was at a friend’s wedding.  They had just exchanged their vows and rings and were about to exit the church building.  Looking at them I realised that although they had done all that was legally required to be married they were still not married. Their marriage had to be consummated.  This was the important part, the part that made them married.  It was a beautiful revelation to me at the time as I had not been a virgin bride and never had the pleasure of knowing such a precious moment.  The Bible speaks of this consummation as

Being a Woman in Business - Who is Humble

Humility is probably the last thing that you think you need in business.  It is the most underrated but crucial business asset.  It’s not a weakness, it is a strength.  A weak person does not have what it takes to humble themselves, it truly requires great strength to put your pride in your pocket and make yourself appear lower.  The dictionary defines humility as modesty or meekness and the antonym is arrogance.  True humility however, isn’t lowering yourself for the sake of keeping up appearances, but it is to do so for the sake of serving others.  If you are humble it doesn’t mean that you have a low opinion of yourself but rather than you choose to lower yourself.  Humility comes from the Greek word tapeinoo which means to depress; figuratively, to humiliate in condition or heart.  Humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.  - C.S. Lewis "The difference between arrogance and confidence is self-awareness," says Jason Mendelson

Being a Mother - Who Sets Boundaries

Disciplining a child is a good thing but if it’s not coupled with boundaries it will only make a child confused.  Boundaries set the limits and discipline is what should happen when those limits are crossed.  Many times the consequences are enough to teach a child on their own.  For example, if bed time is 7pm and your child refuses to sleep until midnight then you can point out that they are cranky to following day because they didn’t respect the boundaries.  This is a great way to teach children that boundaries are for their own good.  Changing the boundaries constantly is more harmful than no boundaries at all.  When setting boundaries be consistent and make sure that the line stays in the same place.  If you slack just once, they child will see that the boundary is flexible and that they should push it constantly or try their luck from time to time.  These sorts of boundaries can make life exhausting.  Constantly negotiating boundaries with a child can suck the life out of you.  B

Being a Friend - Who is Wise

Walking with wise people will make you wise.  This is what Proverbs 13:12 says and it goes on to say that the companion of fools will be destroyed.  This is a very powerful concept that is so simple and is often overlooked.  Another way to put it is: show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.  The first step towards wisdom is to take a look at who you are walking with.  Are you a part of a companion of fools or are you in a circle of wise people?  Before we attempt to offer wisdom to our friends we need to make sure that we have wisdom to offer, you cannot give what you don’t have.  The last thing our friends need is for us to be one of the many fools that lead to their destruction.  Determine to work on being a wise woman not only for yourself but so that you have something to offer your friends.  Take full responsibility for who you are becoming, don’t leave it to chance and wait to see if you turn out to be wise or a fool. Being a good friend means being a wise friend

Being a Lover - The Five Stages of Sex

Thoughts Sex starts in the mind.  You have to be able to think about sex in order to be aroused.  Thinking about sex releases hormones which will kick start the process.  Both men and women’s sexual experience starts in their mind.  For men they are stimulated visually which leads them down a path towards sex and women are stimulated emotionally and that can be anything including a visual stimulation – whatever stirs her emotions and gets her thinking in a sexual way.     Many times a woman struggles to get into sex mode in her mind and if she doesn’t she will not experience as much pleasure as she should.  A great way to get involved and force your mind onto sex is to watch his hands on your body and get visually involved.  You will very quickly start to put the shopping list at the back of your mind and begin to have sexual thoughts.     Arousal You have been thinking sexually so now you are aroused and ready to proceed.  Your clitoris is enlarging and your vagina is becom

Being a Mother - Who Disciplines

Punishment and discipline are two different things.  Most parents these days are guilty of reactive punishment and few parents understand the concept of Godly discipline.  Reactive punishment breaks children and leaves them feeling bad and at times useless.  Godly discipline builds children leaving them feeling loved and cared for.  Reactive punishment requires no maturity from the parent and anyone can do it but Godly discipline is hard work and requires maturity on the parent’s part.  We might need to use punishment in the discipline process but reactive punishment will only generate unhealthy fear and bitterness. Punishment is the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offence.  Punishment is what you get when you are guilty and your offence requires punishment.  Punishment can also be used to manipulate and control, especially when punishment is given as an ultimatum.   Discipline is the practice of training someone to obey rules or a code of behaviour.  D

Being a Friend - Who Doesn't Flatter

Flattery is to be regarded with suspicion.  It is insincere.  A common definition of flattery is - excessive and insincere praise, especially that given to further one's own interests.  It can also mean to please or gratify the vanity of. Other words that describe flattery are sweet talk or smooth talk.      The bible speaks of flattery too in Proverbs 29:5 where is says, “A man who flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet.”  What this means is that flattery will put us off our guard and we can easily be trapped in the net.  A flatterer is not trying to please you, but to deceive you for his profit.  Be careful of flatterers and be careful that you do not flatter your friends.  At times we might do it without realising it but that would only reveal either our insecurity around that person or our selfish motivation.  Watch yourself and be careful not to fall into the horrible habit if flattering your friends.     Proverbs 26:28 says, “A lying tongue hates those who are

Snow Day

We had a really fun day today playing in the snow so I thought I would share it with you. Have a wonderful weekend. xxx Lorah (who is usually behind the camera ), Angela, Daniel, Amy and Eric Us again trying to look cute! The gorgeous Samuel (my almost son-in-law, 8 weeks to go, eek) and Lorah Sam and Lorah looking as cute as ever Amy, Daniel and Snowy Dancing with Snowy

Being a Lover - Heterosexual and Married

Being a Lover is based on two assumptions.  You might try to apply the principles in Being a Lover outside of these assumptions and you may even have some fun but for full sexual satisfaction and purity, you will need to understand the basics.   Firstly, sex is for heterosexuals only.  You are created with either an ‘innie’ or and ‘outie’.  One is designed to fit into the other.  Two ‘innies’ or  two ‘outies’ are not meant to fit into each other – you can try but you were not designed to enjoy sex by perverting God’s design.  Just think of an electrical plug, when you connect a male plug to a female socket you get electricity.  Try to connect two male plugs to each other you get nothing!  Try and stick things other than a plug into a female socket and you will get an electrical shock.  Just accept things the way they are.  God designed certain things in a certain way and when things are used in the way they were designed they will always work best. Sex is made for one man an

Being a Woman in Business - Who is Relational

Women have a wonderful advantage in business and that is their natural motivation to nurture relationships.  You might not be the best at what you do even though you try, you may not be the cheapest on the market or offer the most perks, but if you have a good relationship with your client you will keep them loyal to your business and oblivious to the competition. Deborah Tannen's 1990 best-seller, You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation , explores the different conversational styles of women and men at length. Based on her research, Tannen concludes that boys' and girls' early social lives are so different that they grow up in what are essentially different cultures.  Thus, talk between women and men, is in fact cross-cultural communication, fraught with as many potential misunderstandings as communication between individuals from different countries, ethnic backgrounds, languages, or religious groups.     As a matter of basic world view, Tannen

Being a Lover - Invitation

In 2012 I wrote a short piece on my blog about sex which attracted so much interested that I included it in my book, Being a Wife . Since then I have had questions and comments come in from all over the world about this subject as it seems to be a bit of a taboo subject in Christian circles. In fact, when Christians do seem to talk and write about it, the content is often disappointing. One such article written by a well known Christian author and speaker contained ten suggestions to spice up her love life. She suggested things like cute notes in his lunch box and leaving sweet messages on his pillow along with other such sweet sentiments. Of course that is really sweet but what men and woman want to know about is SEX.      I can assure you that men might appreciate sweet notes if it is followed by wild sex but sweet notes on their own will do little for your marriage. Sex is marriage. Sex is what makes you married and sex is what keeps you married. I have never heard of a

Being a Lover

Being a Lover is a part of the Being series where we look at the honest and practical truth about sex. God made sex for pleasure yet many women struggle to be truly free in this area. A must read for women with great benefits for men too. You are very welcome to join us at our Girl's Nights or even start your - we will provide you with study notes.  More info Girl's Nights and how to start your own Girl's Night, here . Contents Invitation     Heterosexual and Married     The Five Stages of Sex     Being a Lover        For the First Time         With a Past         Who Plans         Who Understands         Who Helps        Who has Fun        In Her Mind        Who Communicates        Who Does Not Grow Cold        Who Seduces        Who Expresses Her Feelings        Who is Naked        Who is Unashamed        Who is Healthy        Who is Pregnant        Who is Ageing    Purchase Options Full Set Study No