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Being a Friend - Who is Fun

Enjoying life together is an essential part of any friendship.  There are times when it’s necessary to be serious but there is also nothing quite like a good laugh together.  The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 that, “A merry heart does good, like medicine” and it has actually been scientifically proven that laughter can heal your body.

ABC news reported that if you “laugh on a regular basis, and you can even boost your immune system, according to some research.

A study of 20 men and women conducted at the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that 95 percent of the volunteers experienced increased blood flow while watching a funny movie, such as "There's Something About Mary," while 74 percent had decreased blood flow during a heavier picture, such as "Saving Private Ryan." The benefits lasted about 12 to 24 hours.

The results, presented at a March meeting of the American College of Cardiology, point to a strong connection between laughter and cardiovascular health.

"The recommendation for a healthy heart may one day be to exercise, eat right and laugh a few times a day," said Dr. Michael Miller, who conducted the study.”  

So girls, why not choose to be a fun friend?  Romans 12:15 says, “Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.”  This means that there are times to be happy and times to weep, we need to find the balance, we need to understand what our friends need.  Of course there are times to weep, to console our friends in difficult times.  However, there are also times to laugh and be happy.  We need to have fun together.  We need to stimulate our endorphins.  We need to enjoy the precious life that God has given us and live it to the full. 

It was Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”   He actually wants us to have a full and fun life.  Let us make an effort to be fun friends.  Let us find ways to enjoy life together and to bring out the best in each other.  Do you actually enjoy your friendships or are they all hard work? Don’t miss out on having fun and make sure you are being fun too.    

Find out more about Being a Friend here or about using our material to host your own Girl's Night here.


  1. You have a very inspirational blog. I love the messages you give both factual and spiritual. I believe in friendship and the impact it makes in your life. I also believe having one true friend can make life easier.
    Visiting you from the Hop, please visit me at

    1. Angela5.6.12

      Thank you for your kind comment Jillian. x

  2. I love the Lord and your blog! Glad I found you! Your newest follower via blog hop! Please follow back!?

    1. Angela6.6.12

      Its wonderful to hear from you Jonnique. x


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