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Hopelessly Flawed

I may be hopelessly flawed but thank God for Jesus! I never quite understood the story of the prodigal son in the Bible - I always thought it was a bit unfair that the faithful son seem to get so little and the son that messed up got all the praise and honour. It never quite made sense to me how that was fair in any way. Since doing my own eating with the pigs and squandering the goodness that my daddy in heaven gave me I have come to be grateful for that story. I still don't think it's very fair but I am grateful that God sees things that way and sees me the way He does! Without his grace and seemingly unfair ways of dealing with things I may not be where I am today.

I am still hopelessly flawed and very far from perfect in so many ways, but at least now I know who I am in God's eyes and I know that no matter what I do wrong or how far away I walk from Him, he will always come running to me when I need him - ready with a fine robe & nice meal of fatted calf. Do I deserve this? Is this fair? Absolutely not - I probably deserve to be stoned or crucified! In fact that is exactly what should have happened to me by Jesus got on that cross in my place!!! I no longer strive for perfection because I know I can't even get close. What I strive for now is His perfection that covers all my imperfections, His love that fills the areas where I have no love, His compassion where mine fails, His strength when I am week and His beauty for my ashes.

Now I live through Him - hopelessly flawed, totally in love & irrevocably His forever.

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9

I challenge you, join me in my quest to give up the struggle to be good enough ( I accept I will never be good enough to the people in my world & will always be perfectly good enough to Jesus - neither will change so why not rest in Jesus view of me), to accept His unconditional love & mercy and to spend the rest of my days only focusing on how I can get even closer to Him.


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